Become a Gold Generation with Intelligent Hero

Hello kos
4 min readDec 30, 2019


Every person who chooses to work for people through a company, must have felt how intense the competition he faced and not infrequently he will experience so many resilience for the sake of rejection. Surely there are several factors that cause it to experience rejection, such as inadequate conditions, incompatibility with criteria or abilities that are not qualified, educational titles that do not qualify. This is evidenced by the large number of human workers who were rejected because they did not have formal education glasses or were accepted with low positions. Therefore it can be said that an education degree and ability are important factors to get a job.

The difficulty of dealing with various kinds of competition has made many parties finally choose to attend various kinds of training that can develop their skills. However, there are not many parties who have failed because they are guided by those who have only basic abilities. Until finally he felt disadvantaged because he did not get maximum results. Therefore a special media or technology is needed that not only provides skill development services but also provides mentors who are experts in their fields. So that people do not need to do anything in vain and can harm it both materially and non materially.

Currently there are various types of parties that perform advanced technology transformation to produce quality services and benefit the user, as is done by Intelligent Hero. Did you know Intelligent Hero integrates Blockchain technology in order to provide someone’s skill development services to obtain proof of professionalism by presenting mentors who are truly experts in their fields. This can be proven by tests conducted by Intelligent Hero to prove that the mentor is really someone who is professional. This means that in Intelligent Hero there will be no mentors who do not have professional expertise. Therefore, by making the decision to join Intelligent Hero, you don’t need to worry about losing materially or non-materially.

Skill training in the digitalisation world like today can not only be done by meeting directly with the parties concerned, but can also be done through online media. where many parties choose to conduct online training due to relatively lower costs, there is no doubt there are also many successful parties, but not a few also have to swallow bitter pills because they are not successful or even become victims of fraud. The rampant scams carried out online certainly make people more careful to carry out transactions or activities online. Now to anticipate doubts experienced by the community, Intelligent Hero will provide multiple layers of security services. in addition to getting security from the basic system of Blockchain technology, Intelligent Hero will also provide multiple layers of security that are credible so as to protect the user’s personal information from many parties, such as online data theft and data tapping.

At present there are billions of people in the world who do not have broad insights about their field of expertise, this is because they consider that basic insights are far more important, whereas at the time of application there are many insights that we must know to facilitate work. Because the more insights we know, the more alternatives we will get. Today humans are not only required to do hard work, but are also demanded to do intelligent work. To anticipate the poor insights experienced by billions of the world’s population, especially for those who come from remote areas, Intelligent Hero will provide access for all users to be able to find out insights in their fields with international standards by joining the intelligent community filled by professional parties from various countries. Therefore, the access given by Intelligent Hero can certainly be utilized to improve the quality of human resources before finally plunging into a more challenging work world.

Not everyone has the courage to get out of their comfort zone, this is because there are too many things to think about. Though having the courage to get out of your comfort zone is the first step to managing one’s success. Therefore for those of you who want to get out of your comfort zone and plan for your success, then you can join Intelligent Hero to sharpen your abilities and apply them as access to success.

Hero Project





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