Community Perspectives on Valuable Assets with Curioinvest

Hello kos
4 min readSep 5, 2019


Each person will do a variety of ways to guarantee the future of himself and those closest to him. Therefore he will carry out a variety of economic activities that have sustainable investment returns. All people certainly have valuable assets that have high use and sale value, especially when the goods are sold. However, not everyone can maintain both values. If there are many people who think that investment returns can only be obtained by rotating assets in the form of money, be it fiat or cryptocurrency. So at this time valuable assets or objects that are around you can also be utilized to generate investment returns.

All assets that are invested must have their own rules in managing their rights. Where there are a number of investment assets that require maintenance to maintain the use and sale value. Provide a series of treatments for valuable assets, then automatically the owner must also minimize the use of these valuable assets. Every person who buys an item certainly has a purpose to use the item, but we need to know what kind of items are suitable for use every day. The more time evolves, the more different styles of thinking of each individual. For example, the fashion industry was once very demanding to always launch the latest designs. But look now, where the fashion — items that roam the market are fashion — fashion that has an ancient concept. Therefore do not be surprised if at this time a number of valuable assets purchased are not in use by the owner, but to be invested.

Seeing the economic phenomenon of a number of valuable assets invested, then introduce Curioinvest which acts as a Blockchain technology platform that provides a sales platform for valuable automotive assets. As has been explained above, that to maintain the sale value and use value of valuables, a series of maintenance and minimization of usage is needed. So is the case with automotive assets registered with Curioinvest, where these assets will be placed in an automotive warehouse that provides a range of maintenance.

One automotive asset that is very popular among socialites is a car, be it a sports car or a luxury car from other well-known brands. Especially in the era of social media like today, many people publish this valuable asset to show the results of their hard work or for other purposes. Therefore, it is not wrong if Curioinvest chooses automotive assets to be its main investment tool.

If we observe the market’s interest in the sale of automotive assets is very prominent in a number of Asian countries. This is certainly influenced by the growth of the Asian economy which is increasingly growing, so it can compete with the European market. One example is China, which succeeded in entering the name of its entrepreneur to become one of the richest people in the world according to Forbes magazine, which is known as one of the world’s leading economic and business magazines. Seeing this there will certainly be a lot of potential investors who can become opportunities for Curioinvest. Therefore, currently Curioinvest also opens opportunities, both for investors and the selector of automotive assets.

If you think that Curioinvest is a sales agent for valuable automotive assets, then that is certainly not entirely wrong. However, there will be further steps to further enhance this investment opportunity.

The first phase of CurioInvest will carry out various series of information to inform the investment mechanism offered by it. Furthermore, the owners or collectors of automotive assets will register their assets to pass the selection stage first. After the selection phase, specifications of automotive assets, whether cars or motorbikes will be posted on the official website of Curioinvest. Next investors will raise funds to cover the selling price of the car. In the last stage the car will be sold at the auction market to get a high selling price. If the selling price at the auction market exceeds the initial selling price, then both the owner, investor and Curioinvest are entitled to get a predetermined percentage of profit. Before being distributed, the amount of profits will be deducted in advance to cover the costs of maintenance that has been given.

Link below will give you more information about Curioinvest:





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