The seriousness of Intelligent Hero in Improving the Quality of HR

Hello kos
3 min readDec 25, 2019


Did you know that human resources have a very important role in the progress of a country. This is because quality human resources can create jobs and minimize unemployment and poverty in a country. However, currently there are many human resources who do not have the capability, so the unemployment and poverty rates will increase. This phenomenon is common in developing countries, therefore technology is currently needed that can be utilized by the community as a medium to deepen its capabilities.

At present there are many unemployed educated unemployed who do not have a job due to not having qualified skills, even though he has a high education degree. Of course this is because the education system in developing countries is not equipped with adequate technology and qualified teaching staff. So this can make a country print a generation that most do not have qualified capabilities. Of course, by looking at the problems that are happening in the community, it has succeeded in encouraging scientists to give birth to the latest innovations such as the Intelligent Hero platform as a place to produce reliable professionals.

At present the degree is only a supporting factor to get the ideal job, but if a high education degree and abilities are not qualified is also a useless thing. Because at this time many companies are prioritizing workers who have high integrity, experience and qualified abilities. Because the company does not want to recruit employees who do not have skills and cause losses to the company. Therefore Intelligent Hero is present in the midst of the community to help educated unemployed to obtain proof of professionalism and get their dream job easily.

In addition to providing easy access for educated unemployed people to find the ideal job, did you know that Intelligent Hero will also help those of you who do not have an education degree to get the ideal job easily based on professional evidence provided by Intelligent Hero. Where you can join the Intelligent Hero platform and choose what fields you are good at to take the ability test. After taking the intelligence test, Hero Intelligence will provide proof of professionalism according to what you have, if the evidence is not strong enough, then you can learn again by utilizing the intelligent community that has been provided by Intelligent Hero to obtain various kinds of knowledge. Therefore you can connect with experts in various fields.

Did you know that at this time there are still some people who have limited insight into various kinds of knowledge. Even though nowadays the internet network is easily accessible in any area, this is of course due to their ignorance of science. Though insight is a very important factor for human life. So from through Intelligent Hero we will get insights that meet international standards, because Intelligent Hero will provide the ability to follow information based on their abilities or skills. So they will get the latest information from various worlds. Therefore Intelligent Hero is very positive for all users.

Not only does it provide services and proof of professionalism, but it will also provide mobility that is easily accessible to every user. This is done because not all parties understand how to operationalize a technology, therefore Intelligent Hero will provide a very easy access service. So that ordinary people can use Intelligent Hero without the help of technology experts, this is done because the founder of Intelligent Hero is aware of the importance of convenience for the community, because there are currently many platforms that provide services with very complicated access and are difficult to operate privately.

Intelligent Hero can not only be used as a medium for testing abilities, but can also be used as a farm for income. Where Intelligent Hero has a cash flow model that is very structured so that it can give prizes to users who have joined the Intelligent Hero, where the prize is deliberately given by Intelligent Hero as an intensive form.

Hero Project





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