The Tales of Colors: Part 3-Yellow

Everything Tells A Story
5 min readJul 16, 2024


Photo by David Pisnoy on Unsplash

For Part 1: Click Here

For Part 2: Click Here

I know more than I let on.

And in the Conference Room, I felt terrible about hiding it. These are my best friends. My squad. My A-team. We don’t hide things from each other.

But then again, we haven’t really been like that with the Purples, either. We all are supposed to be one solid group, but in the end, the Purples get left out a lot. Vi and Indie (my personal nicknames for Violet and Indigo) act like they don’t care, but I know they do. That’s why I didn’t say anything in the Conference Room. I’ve been keeping their secrets from the group.

So here I am. Cooped up in my room in Color HQ, going over everything in my head that Vi and Indie told me about what’s really been going on with the grove. And desperately waiting for them to call me with any updates.

The Neutrals, Black, White, and Brown are angry.

They don’t like not being a part of our group. They want more from the deal, and this was their way of showing it. Apparently, Violet and Indigo were trying to help them, and they would give me a call when they could to update me on the situation.

But why don’t they just tell us all this? I wondered, sinking into my soft baby yellow comforter, Why not let the Color Managers handle it? Wouldn’t that be so much easier?

Suddenly, I heard a ring pierce the quiet of my room. Quickly, I scampered up and grabbed my Color Communicator and looked at the caller ID, relieved to see that it was Vi and Indie. I pressed the green accept button and watched a holographic projection of Violet and Indigo materialize in front of me.

“Well?” I pressed nervously. I still didn’t know why I was hiding this information, but if Violet and Indigo had a plan, I had to make sure that we stuck to it.

“We just spoke to The Neutrals.” whispered Indigo whose voice vibrated through the hologram, I tried to see where they were, but the background of where they were was foggy and unclear as if covered in a layer of smoke.

Bad weather, I concluded.

But then how come I can see Indigo and Violet so clearly??

I shook my head, since when had I started becoming so wary of others? These were my friends! They wouldn’t hide things from me, and if they did…well, it was definitely for a good reason!

“Did you listen to anything we just said?” snapped Violet, which shook me out of my trance, “Look, we don’t have much time, so listen up.”

“The Neutrals are getting angry,” Violet said.

“Vey angry,” Indigo nodded.

“Unimaginably angry.” concluded Violet. “Their planning to ruin something big, two nights from now.”

“They want some details on our biggest project of the year..” Indigo explained. “The Color Colosseum.”

My eyes widened.

The Color Colosseum! The largest grandest structure on Earth. The Colosseum was gifted to us by the Color Managers thousands of years ago, and now every 10 years we repainted the magnificent structure and threw a celebration in its honor. Now that I though about it, Red has mentioned that it was going to be this year, but…

“The event is weeks from now!” I blurted, “And even so, you’re not going to give it to them, are you?”

Indigo and Violet looked at each other, nervously, as if they had asked themselves this question many times before.

“Its not that simple, Yellow.’” Violet explained. “They think we’re on their side.”

Side. The word burned in my ears, and made me hot with fear and realization. These weren’t The Neutrals we thought we knew. These were angry people, and they could be dangerous, when angry.

“Are we telling the others?” I asked, “It’s the only way to stop all of this!”

“NO!” Violet and Indigo said in unison.

“First off,” Violet said, voice rising, “They’d spend one full day in shock. The second, arguing what we should do in some boring conference meeting that gets us nowhere. And the third wasted rushing into some plan that Red definitely made by herself without truly understand what’s wrong at its root.”

I flinched at how accurate all of that was.

“And they call us the lazy ones.” Indigo muttered.

I pondered what Violet had just said, especially the end. What’s wrong at the root.

“What do The Neutrals really want?” I asked, “To be a part of our group?”

Indigo and Violet made a face.

“They want to be better than us.” Violet said, voice oddly sympathetic, “They want the neutral colors to be more widely respected.”

“They want fame, they want glory,” Indigo added, in an equally calm voice, “They want a revolution.”’

“Well, you can’t really blame them.” I agreed, thinking about all the times they had been rejected, and reduced to a mere helper, “Their colors too, and pretty necessary ones. The Color Managers haven’t really been fair with them.”

Then I thought of the Color Colosseum reduced to blackness.

“Still, they need to be stopped.” I reminded myself aloud.

“The Neutrals won’t be very happy when they hear that, though.” Indigo mumbled, and Violet sighed.

“We’ll hold the fort, Yellow. Feed them so useless information.” Violet said unenthusiastically, “At least until we can think of a plan.”

“Oh, that we’ll do,” Indigo concurred, before flashing a rare smile, “As far as The Neutrals know, we’re all best friends.”

The bitter joke was cold, with no real warmth at its center but I laughed along, I mean I’ll take the humor when I can get it, right?

And for a moment, I felt freed from the chains of stress. For a brief second, I let myself relax and let the thoughts of secrets and spying slip away as the laughs.

It was the wrong second.

“Oh my god!” shrieked a voice. “You’re working with them!”

The laughs caught in my throat, I whip around, heart hammering.

Green was standing at door way, mouth open in shock, face red with surprise…and anger.

So, so much anger.

For Part 4: Click Here



Everything Tells A Story

I write short and concise article and stories about creativity, writing, and important lessons that help us improve as humans. I also write short stories.