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How To Use AI For Work Tasks Without Anyone Noticing It.

Kosmas Story
3 min readJul 8, 2024


I finally figured out how …

Ai has become a nightmare for big companies because it allows you to accomplish some tasks at lightning speed without much effort.

And more and more methods are being created to recognize AI written texts so, it is more difficult than ever not to notice it.

But even with all of that being said there is an actual method that could make ai utterly undetectable.

It’s fairly easy,

1. Generate your text with any of the artificial intelligence you have access to, it can be Chatgpt 4o, as well as the 4 version, Gemini, or whatever else software you want to use.

2. Open your browser and search for, it needs to be this website because it is one of the best in the industry.

3. click sign up and write in your best email.

4. This being done, a code made of six digits will be sent to your inbox which you need to tip on the website.

5. After that you will need to create your account, they ask you for your name, surname, and password.

6. Your account has been created, you just need to copy-paste your AI-generated text which needs to be between 50 words and 100 words (If your text is longer, you can cut it in parts). Also, you need to select If the human like output would be instant, advanced, or precise.

7. After having pasted your text, click humanize.

8. Wait a few seconds and your new undetectable AI-based text will be ready which you can copy and paste wherever you want.

But, because it is a new technology and has needed a lot of work to be created, there is a limit in terms of the words that can be used.

Quite frankly, there is a solution to that which I have kept a secret for a long time. The key is to create another account every time you have outpassed the limit. Tap and so, you will be able to create as many accounts as you want with temporary email addresses. This technique is shared only to be acknowledged not necessarily used. It won’t finance the company which offers incredibly useful services at a high quality standart.

And you’re probably wondering that it won’t work because of the email verification when you create your account, but, the website includes the inbox of the email address.

All in all, If you will be using this website often, it is probably better to pay for membership because they are quite affordable, fair for the solution, and more convenient than the mischievous technique stated before.

Congratulations! You have read all of the article which I hope will help you !

Don’t hesitate to leave a comment, I’d love to have your feedback on how this post solved your problems with all the knowledge shared.

(PS: Please follow my account, captivating stories are to come)



Kosmas Story

" The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing " Socrates I am interested in personnal develoment as well as everything that can improve our lives.