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Your Last Chance To Stop Your Screen Addiction In 2024

Kosmas Story
2 min readJul 7, 2024


This method changed my life and it can also help you to do so.

Since I have been using a smartphone, I have encountered some signs of addiction which I figured out to put an end to.

Here’s how:

For over a year now, I have been implementing this exact roadmap that helped diminish my screen time from 3 daily hours to less than 1 hour on working days.

First and foremost, limit social medias as most as possible. You need to delete all of them except Instagram or Snapchat to save your contacts. But the best option is to redirect all your friend to WhatsApp which is also free to use but isn’t made to keep you inside.

I did so and since I have not wasted my time on these useless apps.

The next step is to enable the screen time limit and adjust the time you want to daily dedicate to each app. Then, ask a family member to put a password that will be changed each month preferably. I love to compare this situation to the Odyssey by Homer (an incredible poet by the way), when Ulysses is attached to the boat mast to be able to hear the magical sound of the mermaids without sinking. In this case, you can enjoy what your phone has to offer without abusing it.

After all of that is done, add a widget that shows your screen time so you would be able to track it directly from your homepage.

Another option could be to enable the black-and-white mode on your phone to suppress the attractivity of app logos due to the fact that they are flashy and colourful and trick your brain, making you want to click on them.

That’s it, I know this article is quite short but I covered my point.

Finally, It is not that hard to limit your phone addiction as long as you have access to the right information.

Congratulations! You have read all of the article which I hope will help you limit your screen time!

Don’t hesitate to leave a comment, I’d love to have your feedback on how this post helped you manage your phone addiction and leave some claps!

(PS: Please follow my account, captivating stories are to come)



Kosmas Story

" The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing " Socrates I am interested in personnal develoment as well as everything that can improve our lives.