Why avoid Onion & Garlic, if you are on Spiritual Path?

Kosmic Fusion
2 min readSep 3, 2018


Onion Garlic Spirituality Ayurveda Kosmic Fusion

Onion, Garlic and similar root vegetables grow underground and attached to the aspect of ‘Tamas’, which are connected mainly to the lower chakras of our physical body. Coincidence? No, this is correlation and has been studied intensively by Ayurveda (ancient study of life science).


Garlic is connected to Solar Chakra (Manipura) which is ruled by Brahma, similarly Onion is connected to Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) which is ruled by Kamadev. It is mentioned in sacred text from the Indian sub-continent, Lord Vishnu (supreme God of Vedic traditions) does not like garlic and eating these vegetables blocks the connection with him as he resides in the heart.

Energy flow..

These vegetables are excellent for life in mundane world and healthy to function the lower chakras however these block the flow of energy into our higher chakras i.e. all tamasic food shut down the flow of light of our soul and it doesn’t reach the mind and heart. Thus our Mind loses guidance of God within us and senses (also called indriya) take over to delve within this Physical and Material world.

In short…

Hence if your ultimate aim is to reach zeniths of Spirituality and not restrict within Material world then a wise choice must be made.

Sree Maa

Originally published at www.kosmicfusion.com on September 3, 2018.

