Welcome to the Android + AWS Course 1!

Palash Kosta
2 min readNov 17, 2019


It’s good to have you here! This is the starting point of the course of creating android mobile application with AWS services as backend. In this course, we will learn all the concepts in a very practical way through video (Youtube) tutorials. And I will provide all the notes through medium blogs.

This course will include the following concepts:

  1. API designing — Swagger
  2. API creation — AWS server-less technologies — API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB
  3. Android development — Networking library — Retrofit
  4. Android development —Architecture component — ViewModel, LiveData
  5. Android development — Showing list and details — RecyclerView/CardView
  6. Android development — Creating user interface — Constraint layout
  7. Android development — Image loading library — Picasso
  8. Android development — Uploading project to Github

The complete course content and videos will be completely FREE

If you are excited to learn all these technologies step by step to create a final mobile application backed by AWS server-less services, then you are on the right place!!!

Pre-requisites — Very basic knowledge of android app development is needed.

Course Content -

  1. Introduction to course — Android + AWS Course 1 — Demo, Flows, Architecture, Technologies
  2. Introduction to back-end technologies and why serverless computing for this course
  3. Getting started with Swagger and why Swagger
  4. Introduction to AWS server-less technologies — API Gateway, Lambda and Dynamo DB
  5. Designing API for Course Project/Application using Swagger
  6. Creating API using API Gateway, Lambda and Dynamo DB
  7. Testing newly created API using Postman
  8. Congratulations!!! Our APIs for the project are ready.
  9. Basic Android/Mobile Application Architecture
  10. Creating application in Android Studio and creating necessary packages and files
  11. Integrating Android app with our APIs — Retrofit
  12. Creating UI and attaching the data to display to the user
  13. Loading images asynchronously for the list
  14. Uploading the project to Github
  15. Congratulation!!! Our course is complete.

I will start posting articles and videos for the course (as soon as it is ready) in the sequence as mentioned above and link them with the bullet points. Please keep in touch…

Thanks for reading this article.



Palash Kosta

Google Certified Android App Developer | AWS developer | Angular Developer | Programmer | Learner