The Great Mash-Up of Old Memories and 10-Word Stories

When was the last time you pulled out your old photo albums?

3 min readOct 6, 2022

A few weeks ago our dear friend Natalie challenged us to “ten random pictures each with a ten-word story”. In her honor, we decided to keep the same headlines as she did and share with all of you a little of our shared history.

Ten memories with a 10-word photo story

  1. This is Fenia as a baby. Cheeks bigger than her size!
I know she seems a little weird, but she was my favorite

2. This is Kostas in the embrace of the eternal teenager.

I miss your hug old man, your cooking, and your smile. But time is a healer. I won't forget you even for a moment, you live in my heart now, grandpa. Every day you open your eyes with me and inhale the warm morning breeze with anticipation.

3. Fast forward a few years and she started asking things. She never stopped!

There’s a photo of me, cooking “kokoretsi” for Easter with my great grandmother, my father and my grandpa

4. Kostas with friends in quarantine. Dark moments with bright faces.

Ugly faces for sure and even uglier souls. Oh, I’m just kidding! Although we don’t usually praise each other (I’m actually the shittiest person) these ten figures have played a decisive role in shaping my character. We have gone through waves to get to today and proudly shout our name: Gollitoi! I am grateful to have met such true and genuine people in my life. I say all this because I know that my time in this circle is few.

5. She is in high school. And she meets her best friends!

All of them are crazy but I love them. This is just a part of the group. We couldn’t seem to agree on one where we all look good.

6. My family. Bald father, a fat (elegant) mom, and a beautiful sister.

What can I say about them? It is my compass and my beacon. They are the ones who will be the first to applaud and support. They are my world.

7. And this is us when we first met! Just little kids!

Here… You can all laugh at this one!

8. She studies Pharmacy in Patras, Greece.

Look at me. So professional and all

9. Kostas is studying production and management engineering at the Technical University of Crete.

Credits to the photographer, Cholidis.

10. But we have created a world together here in Medium!

I guess we will see where the road will take us!

Won’t you take the challenge? We challenge Sheri Jacobs, Rajeshwari, Srini, Benighted, Blogs by J, DM Miller, Michele Maize (The Sober Vegan Yogi), Mick Gibson, Dana Leigh Lyons, Matt Patton, Brother Tramaine, Kelan Ern, Patrick M. Ohana, Karen Carr, Annelise Lords.

  • 10-word stories for 10 random pictures


  • first 10 childhood memories that come to mind — and just write about


  • my “mash-up” — 10 pictures of early life memories and 10-word stories describing them

Thank you for reading! I hope memories of your own life flood your mind!




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