Summary of “Fourth Wing” by Rebecca Yarros

The Bold Blogsmith
7 min readJul 8, 2023


Rebecca Yarros’ Fourth Wing is an exhilarating fantasy romance novel that unfolds within the fiery realm of a war college, where majestic dragons and magic reign supreme. In this post, I will present my comprehensive review and summary of Fourth Wing, aiming to aid you in your decision to embark on this captivating journey or provide valuable insights as you delve into its pages.

The General Premise (No spoilers in this part)

Within the captivating realm of Fourth Wing, we are introduced to Violet Sorrengail, a twenty-year-old inhabitant of the fictitious land of Navarre. Set to embark on her educational journey at Basgiath War College, she plans to follow in her father’s footsteps, immersing herself in the study of books and history within the Scribe Quadrant. However, her aspirations are abruptly disrupted by her mother, the Commanding General, who has different intentions. Against Violet’s wishes, she commands her to pursue entry into the perilous and lethal realm of the elite Riders Quadrant, which involves bonding with formidable dragons.

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Indeed, as emphasized in the opening line of Fourth Wing, the day of seeking entry, known as Conscription Day, is fraught with immense peril. It serves as a somber reminder that survival on this treacherous day is an arduous feat to accomplish. Even if Violet manages to navigate the harrowing challenges that lie ahead, following in the footsteps of her unyielding mother, Lilith, her self-assured older sister, Mira, and her tactically astute older brother, Brennan, she remains acutely aware that only a small fraction of students will emerge victorious and attain graduation.

A bit of background about this fantasy world (No spoilers)

This enthralling story unfolds within the boundaries of a single fictional continent encompassing two kingdoms. For four centuries, these kingdoms have been engaged in an enduring conflict.

Navarre, the larger of the two realms, boasts a rugged terrain characterized by majestic mountains. Within its domain, the land yields valuable resources such as ore, timber, as well as an abundance of deer and elk.

Nestled in the heart of Navarre lies the renowned Basgiath War College. The college operates on a system of four distinct Quadrants: Riders, Healers, Scribes, and Infantry. Each Quadrant consists of three squads: Flame, Claw, and Tail. Furthermore, the four Quadrants are organized into three sections, forming the foundation of the four wings. The coveted positions of wingleader and section leader, representing the highest ranks within each quadrant, are typically held by exemplary third-year students. However, exceptionally talented second-year students can also ascend the ranks and achieve these esteemed positions.

Prior to Threshing, an annual event that always takes place on October 1, all individuals within the college hold the rank of cadet. Threshing marks a significant turning point, as it is the moment when dragons select their human riders with whom they form an unbreakable bond.

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Once bonded, dragons communicate exclusively with their chosen riders. This extraordinary connection not only forges a deep bond between them but also results in the manifestation of a relic. The relic is a magical emblem that symbolizes honor and power, visibly imprinted upon the rider’s skin. Additionally, the bond bestows upon the humans a unique ability known as a signet, which varies from individual to individual. This extraordinary power can encompass talents such as telepathy or the manipulation of metal. As the strength of the bond and the dragon’s power intensify, so does the potency of the signet. Essentially, the signet combines the inherent power of the dragons with the rider’s own capacity to channel that power. It serves as a reflection of the rider’s true essence at the very core of their being.

In the realm of Navarre, Tyrrendor stands as the largest province, distinguished as the sole region that ventured into secession attempts after a span of 627 years. Following this rebellion, the officers responsible faced dire consequences, meeting their execution. Moreover, the 107 innocent children of these rebels endured a distinctive fate, as the dragon assigned by the King to carry out this decree marked them with the relic of the rebellion. Subsequently, they were conscripted into the Riders Quadrant, where they were tasked with either proving their unwavering loyalty or demonstrating their commitment through sacrificial service.

Contrasting with Navarre, Poromiel emerges as the smaller of the two kingdoms within the continent. Comprising fertile plains and marshlands, Poromiel thrives in the production of textiles, fields of grain, and precious gems. Notably, Poromiel boasts gryphons, magnificent creatures that exhibit the characteristics of both lions and eagles. These majestic beings, unable to tolerate high altitudes, possess the ability to channel powers to their riders, known as fliers, much like dragons do.

Binding Navarre and Poromiel together is the Trade Agreement of Resson, a significant pact signed two centuries prior to the events in Fourth Wing. As per this agreement, trade transactions occur four times a year at the Athebyne outpost situated on the border between Krovla and Tyrrendor, specifically in the south-central region of the continent known as The Continent.

Another element of significance revolves around wyverns, prevalent in folklore. These creatures, larger than dragons, possess distinct characteristics, including two feet instead of four, a striking mane composed of razor-sharp feathers adorning their necks, and a notorious taste for human flesh.

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The riders of wyverns, known as venin, are eerie beings who were once human but now bear an unsettling appearance. Their crimson eyes are encircled by distended red veins that intricately spread across their visage. According to ancient fables, it is believed that venin deliberately brought wyverns into existence as a rival force to dragons. Rather than drawing power from these creatures, venin possesses the unique ability to infuse their own power into wyverns. However, a chilling consequence exists: when a venin meets their demise, all the wyverns they have created suffer the same fate, perishing alongside their master.

Back to the Summary (Minor spoilers here)

On Conscription Day, Violet finds herself embarking on a path quite different from what she had prepared for. Instead of the Scribe Quadrant, her intended destination, she must now strive to gain entry into the challenging Riders Quadrant. Violet’s physical appearance reflects her delicate nature — she possesses a pale complexion, a petite frame, and hair adorned with silver tips. Furthermore, she bears the burden of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a connective tissue disorder (though implied, the author has confirmed this detail). This condition places an additional burden on her, necessitating not only extraordinary effort to succeed but also to ensure her survival within the demanding environment.

The initial trial that awaits the conscripts involves navigating a perilous parapet, a bridge of sorts, where many contenders tragically meet their end. Amidst this daunting challenge, Violet forms friendships with fellow new cadets such as Rhiannon Mathias, while also finding solace in the presence of her longtime companion, Dain Aetos. Dain, a second-year leader, benefits from having a father who serves as an advisor to Violet’s mother.

Nevertheless, a host of individuals, including the formidable Wingleader Xaden Riorson, characterized as tall, dark, and handsome, harbor ill intentions towards Violet. Their motivations may stem from a desire for revenge, a motive that carries potentially lethal consequences. These individuals, alongside others, find themselves in this perilous position due to the repercussions of their parents’ rebellion — a rebellion that ultimately led to the execution of Violet’s mother’s adversaries.

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As fate would have it, Xaden’s father bears responsibility for the tragic demise of Violet’s brother. Consequently, Violet and Xaden begin their journey as bitter enemies, their hearts filled with animosity towards one another.

While I won’t divulge specific details of the events that unfold after Conscription Day, I can offer a general overview. The subsequent trials that await the cadets are fraught with danger, presenting deadly physical challenges. One such trial is the Gauntlet, a formidable vertical obstacle course that safeguards the Vale, the abode of the majestic dragons. The Gauntlet serves as a rigorous test of the cadets’ balance, strength, and agility, pushing them to their limits and demanding unwavering determination.

Subsequently, another significant event awaits the cadets — Threshing — a momentous occasion during which dragons select their human counterparts for a profound bond. Threshing marks a pivotal turning point in the narrative, as both dragons and humans find themselves irrevocably connected in this extraordinary union.

Following Threshing, an unexpected twist alters the dynamics between Violet and Xaden, compelling them to form a bond that surpasses their initial animosity. As their connection deepens, a simmering romance gradually takes hold, gradually building towards an enchanting and passionate crescendo. However, with Xaden’s imminent graduation day on the horizon, the future becomes uncertain, leaving unanswered questions about his impending destination and the potential impact on their relationship.

Simultaneously, the veil of certainty surrounding the prevailing circumstances begins to unravel, revealing a reality that diverges from what Violet has been led to believe. As tensions heighten, a surge in attacks at the border becomes increasingly evident, painting a picture of an unsettling and precarious situation… (Will leave you at this cliffhanger!)

Is Fourth Wing Worth it?

YES. Fourth Wing emerges as an unequivocal sensation, captivating readers with its enthralling narrative that encompasses a myriad of elements. From the captivating and accessible fantasy realm to the intense and competitive academic setting, the perpetual specter of war and mortality, a multifaceted and endearing protagonist, intricate familial dynamics, profound friendships, the allure of enemies-turned-lovers, an enchanting hero who inspires swoons, unexpected plot twists that leave one astounded, the presence of magic, the majestic presence of dragons, and an array of other captivating aspects, Fourth Wing encapsulates a truly comprehensive and mesmerizing experience.

Get “Fourth Wing” by Rebecca Yarros With FREE Audible Trial on Amazon



The Bold Blogsmith

For me blogging goes beyond a hobby; it is a gateway to creative expression, knowledge sharing, and making meaningful connections with readers across the globe.