UX Case Study on a Art Gallery App

Tarun Kota
5 min readMay 18, 2023



The Art Gallery is a mobile application that helps you find art, paintings, pictures, and more. We created this gallery to assist you in discovering artwork to purchase and enhance your art collection.

Roles & Responsibilities

Tarun Kota - User Experience Research (UXR), User Interface Design (UID), Interaction Design and Usablity study.

Time :December 2022- present

The problem Statement

“Art galleries have traditionally been physical spaces for showcasing and selling artwork, but with the rise of mobile apps, the art world is rapidly evolving. Now, art galleries and artists alike have the opportunity to showcase and sell their artwork on mobile apps, allowing for a wider audience to access and appreciate their work. However, with the convenience of selling in a mobile app comes the challenge of creating a visually stunning and easy-to-navigate interface that truly immerses users in the art gallery experience.”

Our Solution

“Our RD art gallery app provides a clean and simple user interface while offering essential functionalities such as exploring artwork, showcasing artist details, and purchasing art pieces. Users can browse through a diverse collection of artwork and easily navigate through the app to appreciate each piece.

Additionally, the app provides a personalized experience by allowing users to select from a list of prompts to enhance their art viewing experience. The app also offers the option to track their art collection and purchase history, making it easier for them to stay organized.”

Design process

Empathize: Getting to know our users

User Research

I conducted user interviews and created empathy maps to gain insights into the needs of my primary user group, which consists of art gallery owners and art enthusiasts. Through my research, I discovered that while art galleries are fascinating, there is a growing trend of selling artwork through online platforms. Additionally, many users face challenges such as limited knowledge about art, which makes it difficult for them to fully appreciate and engage with artwork.

During the research process, some of my initial assumptions were challenged. For instance, I assumed that most art enthusiasts preferred visiting physical galleries to view and purchase artwork. However, my research revealed that many users are shifting towards online platforms to buy and explore art. Additionally, I assumed that most users had a basic understanding of art, but my research highlighted the need for simplified interfaces and educational resources to help users better engage with and understand art.

Overall, the research helped me better understand the needs of my users and allowed me to design an app that addresses their pain points and offers a more accessible and enjoyable art gallery experience.


User Personas

Based on our interviews, we created different personas highlighting the goals and pain points of the users.

persona 1
persona 2

User research : pain points

1.Not enough art choices: People may be disappointed if the app doesn’t have enough artwork options

2.Bad quality images: If the pictures of the art are not very clear

3.Unclear pricing or shipping details: Users might not want to buy if they’re not sure how much everything will cost or how long it will take to ship.

4.Limited payment options: People might be frustrated if they can’t pay for art using their preferred method

Ideate: Brainstorming the solution

Information Architecture

storyboard & Paper Wireframes

After creating a sitemap, we understood the flow of our application and worked on lo-fi wireframes. Our main aim was to focus on the content and usability and then the design.

In order to achieve this, we spent time designing basic wireframes on paper and reiterate them with more features and necessary changes. We experimented with 3–4 different designs for the same pages to understand which would work the best for our users.

paper wireframe

low-Fidelity Wireframe

During the wireframing process, our main objective was to ensure that the journal pages were user-friendly, while maximizing the available writing space for our users.

low-Fidelity Prototype — The Final Design

This was the final step of our case study, where we created a working UI prototype for our art gallery app.


Next Steps

In our first iteration, we successfully completed the four steps of the design process. Now, as we move into our second iteration, our primary focus is to enhance the usability of our app.

To achieve this, we plan to create a high-fidelity prototype that will allow us to test and refine the user interface and interactions.

By incorporating realistic visual elements and interactive features, we aim to provide a more immersive and engaging experience for our users. This iterative approach will enable us to gather valuable feedback and make informed design decisions to further improve the app’s usability.

Please share your thoughts and suggestions on my project final design or any thing. I’d be happy to connect and talk with you!

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or drop me a mail at: tarunkota72@gmail.com

Thank you for reading….

