Is ancient wisdom of elements coming back?

Kote Isaev
2 min readAug 15, 2021


Remember the Elements like Air, Earth, Water, Fire, and optionally Ether or Mana or Magic or Mind, or Life and Death? You still can see such set of Elements today mostly in games, books and movies with fantasy setting nowadays.

This set considered as some obsolete or even mistaken nowadays after the periodic table of chemical elements has been discovered.

But later the basic interactions like electromagnetism, strong and weak interactions and gravity has been added to this list, with own particles interacting with or being manifestation of these new Elements.

So we went full spiral here and seems to return to something we seen before, don’t we? Either it will be four elements of Electromagnetism, Weak nuclear force, Strong nuclear force and Gravity.

Others may say that we have 6 Elements now (“There are six quarks (up, down, charm, strange, top, bottom), and six leptons (electron, electron neutrino, muon, muon neutrino, tau, tau neutrino). Each class is divided into pairs of particles that exhibit a similar physical behavior called a generation)” as Wikipedia article about the Standard Model states.

So, what if ancient manuscripts mentioning a limited set of Elements naming like Fire, Water, Earth and Air, and optionally 1–2 Elements like Magic, Mind, Mana, or Ether, or even Life and Death were about not about the fire we see in fireplace, or water we drink, earth we walk on and air we breath but more like a “metaphysical” representation of something else, resembling analog of Standard Model?

And if so, how the ancient people knew all that before all these LHC and other particle accelerators even were imagined?

May be, before laugh on ancient concepts next time, we better try to take a deeper look and use them for inspiration instead?

