Unfollow your favorite Instagrammer now. You’ll be happier.

Kotomi TM
3 min readJun 13, 2020


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

You will even forget who you were following.

About a month ago, I unfollowed most of Instagrammer. There were a couple of reasons.

  1. I was spending too much of my time on Instagram. Addicted.
  2. I was seeing something cool, but my real life was not like them and that made me sad.

Now, It’s been a month. Do I miss them? No. Do I have a problem because not following them? No.

So I highly recommend unfollowing your Instagrammers.

Here is the depth description.

Unfollowing Instagrammers — You will naturally spend less time on Instagram.

Some Instagrammer posts more than 20 stories a day. And for some reason, you don’t miss them at all.

When I was following Instagrammers, I was addicted to seeing their stories. First thing in the morning, I open Instagram and checking their stories. Tap tap tap. Every morning I was confirming that she went to the gym to work out at 5 am. And me, no work out.

Throughout the day, I open Instagram every couple of hours. (if I succeed.) And seeing all of their stories.

Since most of the time, I was just checking their stories and seeing new posts on the feed, after following them, I naturally less open Instagram now.

Now, I check Instagram twice a day or so. Since I don’t follow them anymore, top of my feed is now my close friends post and stories which I should care about. I see their post and make comments sometimes. They don’t post tones of stories so naturally, I don’t open Instagram anymore. Significantly reduced.

Unfollowing Instagrammers — Your envy/sad/negative feeling will be gone.

Recommended Products

The pro of following Instagrammers is you can get current trend info through them. They show us new products, the products they love.

That products look good. I want to try. But most of the time, I don’t need them. So why I need to spend money because of them?

And the fact is, sometimes? lots of times? most of the time? I’m quite not sure because I’m not an Instagrammer but they are getting the products for free. Usually, I don’t feel anything but sometimes, I feel sad.

(Looks) Fulfilling Life

Instagrammer life seems very cool. They travel a lot, always looks happy.

We all know that’s not true, everyone has uptime and downtime. But just seeing their story and feed, I cannot imagine that.

After following them, at least I don’t need to face my sad feeling against Instagrammer anymore.

Enjoy in your real life

Input/output balance is important. Face up and spend time with your family. Don’t lay down and scrolling and swiping because you don’t have anything to do. You have. You just don’t know. It’s just a habit being on the phone. Go shopping, hike, read, watch good quality shows or movies.. just live your life. Once you start living your life, you’ll forget about Instagram.

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Kotomi TM

Minimalist productive nerd. Interests: productivity, self development, writing, motherhood, reading & swimming. Native Japanese living in the US since 2013.