Introducing Myself & Why Do People Buy Things?

Kotowa Kato
3 min readApr 25, 2022



Hi, my name is Kotowa and I’m 11 years old. I am a student who likes anime! What’s your name, age, and something you like? Today I will be writing about 2 topics. Why is introducing yourself important? Why do people buy things?

Before we go into the topic, I would like to share why I want you to read my blog.

Why Should You Read My Blog?

There are 2 reasons I want you to read my blog.

Number 1. I often see adults buying something when I go to a mall.
Number 2. I need to help my mum buy heavy things. Therefore, I go to many super markets.

Why Is Introducing Yourself Important?

It’s obvious that we don’t know everyone in this world. So, how can we get to know as many people as we can? Why shall we interact with people more?

Knowing many people is great in many ways. You will get a higher chance of finding a good relationship. You will also have more people you can rely on. And, you will also have more fun, getting to talk with people.

Whenever you get a chance to interact with someone, try introducing yourself. Then, the other person will introduce themselves to you too! (or ask them polity to do so)

Introduce yourself detailly, so there might be a chance to find something in common with that person.

Hearing someone introduce themselves somewhat makes us feel happy. At least for me, it does. In any conversation, start with a “Hello”, then begin introducing yourself “My name is {name}. I’m a {your job/things you do}, and I like to {thing you like to do, or your hobby}. What’s your name?”

Adding “What’s your name?” at the last makes them introduce themselves too. Since you introduced them detailly, there’s a high chance the other person will too.

Why Do People Buy Things?

Do people buy things because they need it, they desire it, or because they identity it? For, me, I think it’s because they need it. Of course, sometimes it’s because we desire it or identity it, but I believe it’s mainly because they need it.

Let’s think about it. What is something you bought these days? That could be clothes, foods, shampoo, or bigger shopping like cars and houses. If so, those are all the things you need, right?


Thanks for reading my blog until know! Please read the sentence below, and consider the questions.

I think people buy things because they need it. What about you? Why do you believe in your opinion? What derives your decision to buy something?

