KotoWars Alpha Season 5: Progression. Glance of multiplayer

3 min readMar 12, 2019


Hello our pawesome friends!

March is here and we are full of the joys of spring! It ’s time for the Season 5 and it means we have been supporting KotoWars alpha seasons for two months!

This time we implemented a progression system, did a lot of server-side improvements and we fixed many annoying issues in the game client. Special thanks to players who reported those flaws.

Specialists search

One of these issues is the search for player’s specialists within the wallet. It was not obvious and not convenient for players to fill in cattributes in the search field, so now you can find if you have the specialist by selecting it in the separate list.

Season 5: Progression

This season marked the beginning of the progression system and achievements for players.
We plan to reward our users for their activity within the game: for every activity within the game the player will earn some amount of the experience and get rewards for reaching certain milestones. The rewards will vary from off-chain avatars to on-chain NFT items.

Experience in KotoWars

The requirement amount of experience to get to the next level is not flat until level 20: level * 1000 + 1000, so players will need an increasing amount of experience to achieve higher levels. At the twentieth level, this number will become constant: 20,000.

At the moment, the gained experience is directly related to the damage players deal to Stitches. We have accounted for the previous seasons and added experience for our current players.
Each exp milestone(e.g. Level 5) will give a user a distinct sign of that milestone (e.g. Lapis).
In future this will give some advantages and status to the active players.

Players can find their account level inside the game and on the Exp Leaderboard.

Healer hat for your strange kitty

The amount of the gained experience and the milestones will change in the future and will depend on different conditions: victories, defeats and streaks. Even though the experience gained during Alpha seasons will be reset, we are thinking about promoting the most active players.

We also plan to implement a champion (cryptokitties) progression. This system will be independent of the account progression and will always be tied to the specific kitty. This is a little more complicated mechanics since we plan to store this information on the blockchain, so players can level up their kitties, adding them value within KotoWars and, potentially, on 3rd party NTF markets.

Multiplayer in KotoWars

We have many hopes and expectations for March, so we decided to lift the veil and show a part of multiplayer system.

Multiplayer waiting room

You can see the example of our waiting room above, the players will be able to join a public game or create a private one if they want to challenge a certain opponent.

Multiplayer is what we look forward to. It finally allows users to interact with each other, as well as gives us an opportunity to expand the content and choose the direction which KotoWars will be developed toward.

After the implementation and initial tuning, we plan to launch a series of surveys among the community in order to understand the tastes and preferences of cryptokitties owners as accurately as possible.

Follow us in social medias to be updated!

KotoWars Team

