KotoWars — play with your cryptokitties

3 min readDec 22, 2018


Decentralized crypto games on the Ethereum blockchain are developing rapidly. They provide a fun and easy way to crypto economy, as well as create an entirely new level of relationship between players and their digital property.

Crypto games begin to cooperate with each other, allowing the owners of the tokens of one game to use them in the gameplay of other projects.

The ways how crypto games interact with each other vary from a simple reference to another project to complex economies, which include tokens from all involved parties.

KotoWars is a collectible online game based on CryptoKitties tokens.

The main goals of Kotowars are:

  • To provide new functionality to any cryptokitties and increase their value
  • To attract new users to the wonderful world of blockchain through exciting gameplay

Kotowars invites users to form gangs of their kitties, whose parameters depend on their genes in CryptoKitties game. Players can use their gangs to fight other players, complete PVE campaigns and participate in theme events and tournaments.

Players and Cats progressions and achievements will increase the value of user’s tokens and also allow them to earn new Kotowars Decoration Tokens to customize the appearance of their cats.

Players can trade or gift their digital tokens both via the in-game market and third-party NFT platforms.

By November, KotoWars has presented a demo of the game where Furlin the Greatest Sorcerer started introducing the universe of KotoWars to players.

This small campaign showed to users the possibilities of interaction between the game engine and blockchain assets.

We received a lot of feedback during the campaign, which motivated and helped us think through the optimal roadmap for developing the game.

You can find it, as well as a more detailed concept of the game in recently published presentation.

Work on KotoWars has just begun and is far from completion, but instead of torturing you with anticipation, we are going to release small parts of gameplay in the form of separate campaigns and organize competition between players, teaching and entertaining our audience in the same time. Prizes are also included!

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