Did You Know These Things About Count Dooku?

Star Wars Insider
5 min readOct 21, 2021


Count Dooku is a very underrated character in the Star Wars universe and he really shouldn’t be overlooked.

Ya he did have little screen time in the movies but in the Clone Wars and books, he was a very intriguing character.

So these are 5 things about Count Dooku that you probably didn’t know!

Starting off is Dooku knowing his origins.

Unlike most younglings, he was aware of his origins and felt driven to prove himself worthy of them.

Dooku was born on the planet Serenno into a noble, wealthy family.

His parents were stern, but proud of his Force abilities, and willingly surrendered him to the Jedi Order as they had another son to continue the family bloodline.

When Dooku was a youngling of the Jedi Order, he and his peers travelled to his home planet Serenno for a galactic festival that was being held there.

During the event, Dooku met his family-Count Gora, Countess Anya and his siblings Jenza and Ramil.

He kept in contact with Jenza for many years following this event and you could say they built a strong bond between each other.

However as Dooku fell to the darkside and returned to his home world of Serenno, he killed his brother Ramil and claimed the title Count of Serenno around 40 BBY.

This is very interesting because many Jedi don’t see or know about their family after being in the Jedi order.

Dooku having known his origins led him to have attachments to his family and eventually wanting to claim his birthright as the Count of homeworld.

Maybe this is one of the reasons Dooku fell to the dark side because he still had connections with his family.

Next up at number 2 is the propaganda against Dooku.

Following the end of the clone wars, the newly created security bureau of the galactic empire conducted loyalty purges during which much propaganda material featuring Dooku was destroyed.

As a result, speculation began to circulate after the war’s end that Dooku had in fact never left the Jedi Order despite their claims to the contrary.

This rumor bolstered the idea that the Jedi had been traitors to the republic since before the start of the war.

It’s scary to see how the mass media can contradict even the biggest of truths right in front of peoples faces.

I mean Dooku clearly left the Jedi Order and became a Sith.

He then publicly was the leader of the Sepretist movement and attended many meetings with high Seperatist officials.

Just how fast the Empire deemed him to be a secret Jedi and tried to over take the Sepreratist is astounding as they convinced millions of people almost overnight.

Coming in at number 3 is the different ideas of Count Dooku’s character.

Count Dooku’s character underwent multiple development iterations during the creative process of Attack of the Clones.

Concept artists experimented with various female Sith designs including dark queens, robotic warriors and vampire witches as well as a shapeshifting alien concept that eventually evolved into Zam Wesell.

George Lucas even toyed with the idea of a battle-scarred Jedi warrior who parted ways with the Jedi Order, who reflected the menacing atmosphere conveyed by Peter Cushing’s portrayal of Grand Moff Tarkin.

These are very interesting takes on what Count Dooku might have been but I like the character just the way he is.

Having a battle hardened Dooku sounds way out of place for the elegant sophisticated royal he is.

Or having him be a female vampire which sounds like something out of the Dark Souls games.

The closest depiction which was said earlier was having a menacing atmosphere like the one of Grand Moff Tarkin.

Peter Cushing pulled off Tarkin’s firm elegance but Christepher Lee knocked it out of the ball park on this one!

Next at number 4 is Dooku’s relationship with Sifo Dyas.

Even though Sifo Dyas was eventually murdered thanks to Dooku circa 32 BBY, the pair were actually very close friends when they were younger.

Upon completing the Initiate Trials, Sifo-Dyas participated in the Padawan Tournament where younglings would compete against each other in combat in order to attract prospective masters.

Sifo-Dyas came up against Dooku, who defeated him blindfolded and with one arm behind his back.

However, his friend elected not to demand his surrender, and allowed his fellow initiate to duel him to a stalemate so he might better impress the masters.

Dooku and Sifo Dyas were both in the Hawkbat clan as Jedi initiates and were both exactly the same age.

They even snuck around the temple finding secrets and reading forbidden Sith texts.

They were both caught however by Master Kostana but she encouraged their secret learning and even slipped them a couple secrets.

Eventually Dooku and Sifo Dyas became Padawans to Masters and didn’t see much of each other since they went on missions.

However after Dooku left the Jedi Order, this did not stop him from arranging Sifo Dyas’s death at the hands of the Pykes.

It’s just chilling to know that Dooku betrayed a close friend for his own benefit and the Siths.

Coming in at number 5 is Dooku’s first Padawan.

While it is common knowledge that Qui Gon was an apprentice to Dooku in 68 BBY, Dooku actually had another padawan before this.

His name was Rael Averros, Averros earned a reputation among members of the Order as a famous dualist like his master before him.

At some point after Dooku delivered an address to the galactic senate, Averros introduced Dooku to the Naboo senator Sheev Palpatine who would later become his sith master.

Years later Averros reached out to the Jedi Council for assistance on the planet of Pijal, specifically requesting Qui-Gon.

As a fellow student of Dooku’s and a former friend, Qui-Gon felt obligated to lend aid, but he was not thrilled with his assignment.

Years ago, Rael Averross had broken Jedi protocol when attacked by pirates, and it had cost Averross’ Padawan her life.

Although cleared of any official wrongdoing, Qui-Gon still held a grudge for the way that Averross had conducted himself.

As a way to distance him from other Jedi and give him a way to atone for his Padawan’s death, the High Council had sent Averross to the planet of Pijal.

The planet’s rulers had died, and their six-year-old daughter was too young to assume the throne.

So, Averross acted as a Lord Regent and oversaw the princess’ growth into power.

After resolving the political dispute on Pijal, Averros succeeded in reaching his former master, who shared with him that he had discovered a great power that he wished to share with Averross.

However, Averross refused Dooku’s offer and before cutting the transmission informed his former master that he had chosen the light and was not interested in what Dooku had to offer him.

And those are 5 facts about Count Dooku that you now know!

