Mind-blowing Facts About Obi Wan Kenobi

Star Wars Insider
4 min readOct 7, 2021


There is a character who stands out and embodies the classic idea of Star Wars.

He’s not ostentatious in his presentation like Darth Sidious, he’s not immensely powerful in the Force like Anakin. And he’s not a vacuous hole of goofiness like Jar Jar Binks.

However he is a staple character in the Star Wars universe and that person is Obi-Wan Kenobi, of course!

But you already knew that from the title and thumbnail but nevertheless, Obi-Wan deserves a flashy reveal anyways.

So here are 5 things about Obi Wan Kenobi that will blow your mind

Starting off is that he was the first Jedi to defeat a Sith.

In the prequel and the original trilogies, the main opponents that our main character Jedi have to face are Sith.

Darth Maul, Darth Sidious, Count Dooku, and Darth Vader are all part of that ancient order.

The Sith were an evil that the Jedi vanquished ages before The Phantom Menace.

That’s why the Jedi Council was so unnerved when they heard about the surprise attack Maul performed on Qui-Gon Jinn on Tatooine.

The Sith were supposed to have been eradicated.

Since the Sith had basically disappeared and been written down as extinct, Obi-Wan was the first Jedi in a thousand years to defeat one in battle!

This is just proof that Obi-Wan is awesome because he was considered in one of the weakest in the Jedi Order.

In fact he was sent to the Agricultural Corps since he failed his training but he sure proved everyone wrong here!

Something that is wrong and out of the ordinary is that Obi Wan owns a nightclub!

Ok he doesn’t really own a club but there is one dedicated to him!

One of the great things about being a movie director in charge of multiple franchises is that you can sneak references about your other movies into your latest film.

George Lucas did just that when he was working on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

At the very beginning of the movie, Indiana Jones is in a club watching a song and dance number.

The establishment where he is at is actually called “Club Obi Wan.”

I don’t know how the actual Obi-Wan Kenobi would react to finding out that a bar had been named after him, but the reference definitely tickles fans and who knows, Obi-Wan might find the whole thing amusing.

What’s also amusing is that Obi Wan actually likes to fly!

During the prequel trilogy, Obi Wan keeps indicating that he hates flying and that it’s for droids.

But the Jedi Master actually used to love flying, in fact he was once one of the Jedi Order’s finest pilots and was great at dogfights with starfighters.

Until one frightful experience traumatized him for life.

Rael Averross, one of former Jedi Master Dooku’s students, reached out to the Jedi Council for assistance on the planet of Pijal, specifically requesting for Qui-Gon.

As a fellow student of Dooku’s and a former friend, Qui-Gon felt obligated to lend him aid.

Averross was a reckless Jedi and accidently got his Padawan killed.

So as a way to distance him from other Jedi and give him a way to atone for his Padawan’s death, the High Council had sent Averross to the planet of Pijal.

The planet’s rulers had died, and their six-year-old daughter was too young to assume the throne.

So, Averross acted as a Lord Regent and oversaw the princess’s growth into power.

Amidst all kinds of trouble, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were finally able to unravel some deep political intrigue directly involving the planet’s princess.

At one point, though, Obi-Wan found himself sitting in a starfighter in the hangar bay of a large Czerka Branch-class cruiser.

As he tried to shoot down droids and other weapons systems in the hangar, he inadvertently switched on the fighter’s auto pilot system, and he couldn’t switch it off.

As the ship accelerated, Obi-Wan could steer, but he could not stop.

So, he was forced to fly the starfighter though the cruiser’s insides at top speed.

Even for Anakin, that would have been a difficult task, and while Obi-Wan survived the incident, he was definitely traumatized throughout the rest of Star Wars.

And speaking of Star Wars, how about Obi Wan being an all star player!

The power of Obi-Wan Kenobi is undeniable. And by power, I just mean sheer awesomeness. He is one of only four characters to have been in all six of the first Star Wars films.

Admittedly, he was only a Force ghost in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, but he still spoke and assisted Luke in his endeavors.

More than any other character aside from Anakin, we got to see Obi-Wan grow as we observed his development in reverse.

He first came to us as a wise old mentor, then a deceased font of wisdom as a Force ghost.

And when the prequels came out, I was so ecstatic to see Obi-Wan as a young man.

Every time Obi-Wan came on the screen in the prequels, I couldn’t help but think of the wise man he would eventually become.

Also did you know Obi Wan came from a family of royalty?

Well, not exactly, so get this.

The actor who plays Obi-Wan in the prequels is Ewan McGregor.

Ewan McGregor has an uncle on his mother’s side named Denis Lawson.

Does that name sound familiar?

It should if you are a true Star Wars fan.

Lawson played the Rogue Squadron fighter pilot Wedge Antilles.

Wedge was with Luke during the trench run on the first Death Star, during the Battle of Hoth, and he flew in the final battle against the second Death Star.

And Ewan McGregor is descended from him, well kind of, he’s a descendant of that family tree!

