Step by Step Towards Hyperledger Fabric — Part 1

8 min readApr 27, 2018

Blockchain is the new buzz word in the industry now a days. But finding good resources to learn this fascinating technology is not a cake walk. To make it easier for others i am starting a series in the field of Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) platforms. I will try to cover each and every step require to get a hands on these technologies. Firstly, I am starting with Hyperledger Fabric.

Hyperledger Fabric is one of the projects under Hyperledger umbrella.

Hyperledger is a platform for distributed ledger solutions, underpinned by a modular architecture delivering high degrees of confidentiality, resiliency, flexibility, and scalability.

Let's start over the first Step by Step hands-on:

Firstly we have to learn how to install the prerequisite for the Hyperledger Fabric:

  • Install cURL.
  • Install Go Language.
  • Install Docker and Docker Compose.
  • Install Git.
  • Install Pip
  • Install Hyperledger Fabric on Ubuntu LTS 16.0.4

Once we are done with installing prerequisite, we will be going to hands on with:
1. Build & Deploy your first-network on Hyperledger Fabric
2. Build & Deploy a demo example Fabcar on Hyperledger Fabric

We are using Ubuntu LTS 16.04 for this hands on tutorial:

Step 1:
Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open a terminal
$ sudo su
Enter your password
$ cd

Step 2: Install Google golang
$ cd $HOME/ && wget

$ tar -xvf go1.8.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Set the go path
$ mkdir $HOME/gopath
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/gopath
$ export GOROOT=$HOME/go
$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
$ go version

Step 3: Install libltdl-dev
$ apt-get install libltdl-dev

Step 4: Install docker-­ce
$ wget­-ce_17.06.0~ce­-0~ubuntu_amd64.deb

$ dpkg ­i docker-­ce_17.06.0~ce-­0~ubuntu_amd64.deb

$ docker -­ -­version

Note: The above approach simply leverages the Docker images that the Hyperledger Fabric project publishes to Docker Hub

$ docker run hello­-world

Step 5: Installl python-­pip
$ apt-­get install python­-pip

$ pip ­- -­version

Step 6: Install docker­-compose
$ pip install docker­-compose
$ docker­-compose ­- -­version

Step 7: Install git
$ apt­-get install git
$ git ­-­ -version

Step 8: Install curl
$ apt-­get install curl
$ curl ­- -version

Step 9: Install node.js and npm
$ curl ­sL | sudo ­-E bash ­-

$ node -­ -­version
$ npm ­- -version

Step 10: Clone the fabric-­samples from the github
$ git clone­samples.git

Step 11: Enter the fabric-­samples directory and install the platform specific binaries
$ cd fabric-­samples
$ curl -­sSL | bash -­s 1.0.5

$ docker images

If everything goes well you will see the above output on your screen.

Step 12: To have a look on the download binaries execute the following from your terminal:
$ cd bin
$ ls

Step 13: Enter into the first-network directory
$ cd ../
$ cd first-network
$ ls

Step 14: Generate the required certificates and articates for your first network
$ ./ -m generate

Step 15: To see the generate certificates use the following command:
$ ls
$ cd crypto-config
$ ls

Step 16: Create your first network using the following command
$ cd ../
$ ./ -m up

You will see the above message once your first-network is created using Hyperledger Fabric.
Step 17: Check the generates images and running containers using the following command:
$ docker images

$ docker ps

Step 18: To bring down the created network executed the following command
$ ./ -m down

Step 19: You can check the created images have been removed using the following:
$ docker images

We have successfully created our first-network using Hyperledger Fabric.

Now lets try another example
Step 20: Move to the fabcar directory
$ cd ../
$ ls
$ cd fabcar

Step 21: Install the node modules using the following command
$ sudo npm install

Step 22: Install grpc module for communication with Hyperledger Fabric using the following command:
$ sudo npm install grpc

Step 23: Start the Hyperledger Fabric network for fabcar by executing the following command:
$ ./

Step 24: To enroll the users firstly you have to enroll an Admin that will help to enroll other users with
Hyperledger Fabric network of Fabcar.
$ node enrollAdmin.js

You can find the private and public key for admin using the following
$ ls
$ cd hfc-key-store/
$ ls

Step 25: Enroll the user to query and invoke fabcar network (As Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned
blockchain that is why firstly we have to register the user using its certificate)
$ cd ../
$ node registerUser.js

Step 26: Query the Fabcar network using the following command (To access the ledger state)
$ node query.js

Step 27: Now lets try to submit a new record for our Fabcar application on top of Hyperledger Fabric
$ gedit invoke.js

Make the below changes in the file above to create a new record:

Step 28: Now invoke the transaction using the below command. (To make any changes in the ledger state we have to invoke function)
$ Ctrl + c
$ node invoke.js

Step 29: Query the ledger to find the changes made by you using the following
$ node query.js

Congrats to all for successfully running Fabcar demo. In the next part i will going to cover technical details on these two examples. If you have any specific topic that you want to be covered from these two examples make a comment to include it.

Stay tuned for more updates!




A passionate researcher in the field of Blockchain, Crypto and computer networks, love to read about science, always ready to learn something new