Sitting in Your Pain

Koumal Patel
2 min readAug 18, 2018

Do you sit in your pain or do you escape your pain?

Esmee — Photo by Koumal Patel

Whenever I encounter an aching heart, I notice that the person in pain often feels like they have been treated unfairly. Whether it’s derived from a situation or it’s been inflicted by someone else, you’re in pain because you know that you are undeserving of the hurt.

And with the way life is, you can’t stop time and expect that situation or that person to help you heal. You have to sit in your own pain to heal your own self.

If you think that hiding from it will hurt less, you’re lying to yourself. Trying to escape pain means that you are neglecting what you actually feel just because it’s uncomfortable. And when you do that, you’ll crumble beneath the burden of ignoring your true emotions.

Tino — Photo by Koumal Patel

Ice Cube taught me these words: ‘check yo self before you wreck yo self’. So if you don’t check up on yourself emotionally, you’re going to wreck yourself emotionally. Pain is a catalyst for pleasure, but only if you move in tune with the truth. Leaving your scars unattended will worsen the pain, so you’ll settle for whatever or whoever eases your discomfort — and that’s disrespectful to you.

Sit with your pain instead of hiding from it and listen to what it’s trying to teach you within the suffering.

Thank you for reading 💛 If this touched you, please clap below. You can find me on Twitter/Instagram too.

