The Man in the Rearview Mirror

A Journey of Regret and Redemption

KourtneyNicoleWrites ™ 📝
2 min readOct 8, 2023


A photograph captured by Dustin Humes on Unsplash featuring a stunning hummingbird gracefully sipping nectar from a flower.

Transformation in the Rearview Mirror

The man glanced longingly at the Hummingbird. Despite her circumstances, her vibrant spirit sparked a yearning for connection within him. He yearned for the opportunity to engage in a conversation, hoping to establish a meaningful exchange of thoughts. But his persistent pleas were met with her gracious decline.

Reluctantly, he sank into the worn leather seat of his Mercedes, the engine sputtering a faint rattle. A wave of regret washed over him as he powered on the radio. The lyrics of a Michael Jackson song filled the air: “If you wanna make the world a better place, Take a look at yourself and then make a change.”

The message struck a chord. He looked at his reflection in the rearview mirror, a stranger staring back with worry etched deeper than ever on his face. The way he’d spoken to the Hummingbird, the harsh words – they were a reflection of his flaws. Shame burned in his gut.

Guilt gnawed at him. He wouldn’t treat anyone, let alone the captivating Hummingbird, with such disrespect again. He pictured her, her smile fading as his words cut deep. He knew it…



KourtneyNicoleWrites ™ 📝

Artist. Day/Night dreamer, entrepreneur, prolific reader, in-depth learner, bibliophile, foodie, jokester, history lover.