Book Summary The Thursday Murder Club

Arthur Phoenix
5 min readFeb 10, 2024



Richard Osman’s wonderful mystery thriller “The Thursday Murder Club” This debut novel, which was published in 2020, won readers over with its distinctive combination of comedy, suspense, and deft storytelling. The story, which takes place in the retirement community of Coopers Chase, centers on the exploits of four septuagenarians who organize the Thursday Murder Club in an effort to crack cold cases. The witty and charming Elizabeth leads the group of friends into a real-life murder investigation that reveals long-kept truths. You can have a better idea of the story by getting a free audiobook on us through audible by clicking here.

Chapter Summaries:

Chapter 1 — The first Meeting:

The novel opens with the introduction of the Coopers Chase retirement community’s key residents, Ron, Elizabeth, Joyce, and Ibrahim. These people, who come from different backgrounds and have different personalities, decide to start the Thursday Murder Club in order to quench their curiosity about unsolved murders. The wit and friendship that will characterize their experiences are established from their first meeting.

Chapter 2 — The Cold Case Files:

The club members discover the local developer Penny Gray’s murder while poring over old police case files. The unresolved mystery intrigues the group, so they decide to go into the case further. As they set off on this unexpected expedition, they soon discover that their varied skills, developed over decades of experience, compliment each other.

Chapter 3 — The Investigation Begins:

Information collection and witness interviews are how the Thursday Murder Club gets their investigation underway. Their ability to solve crimes is aided by their humor, resourcefulness, and network of contacts. The chapter highlights the club members’ developing camaraderie as well as their nontraditional approaches.

Chapter 4 — Secrets Coopers Chase:

The group discovers unrevealed information about Coopers Chase as they delve deeper into the murder investigation. The murder inquiry becomes entangled with a web of duplicity and personal history hidden within the supposedly ideal retirement community. The Thursday Murder Club discovers more about the residents and how their lives are connected, which complicates the story.

Chapter 5 — The Puzzle Pieces:

As the club puts together hints and links between the suspects, the inquiry picks up steam. They get closer to the truth as the puzzle starts to take shape. The chapter examines how the club’s nontraditional investigative techniques subvert standard tactics, giving the murder mystery genre a new lease on life and fun.

Chapter 6 — A Twist in the Tale:

Just as the Thursday Murder Club thinks they’ve cracked the case, an unexpected development completely upends their theory. The shocking discovery not only makes the characters uncomfortable, but it also gives the plot more depth. Readers are glued to their chairs in this chapter, curious to find out what will happen next.

Chapter 7 — Confronting the Past:

The club members find themselves confronting their own pasts as they get closer to solving the murder. Unresolved issues and buried emotions resurface, adding a poignant dimension to the narrative. This chapter delves into the characters’ personal histories, making them more relatable and human.

Chapter 8 — The Final Showdown:

As the Thursday Murder Club gets ready for their last showdown with the murderer, the suspense increases. A dramatic battle that puts the club’s resiliency and the depth of their friendship to the test results from the culmination of their efforts and the solving of the mystery. There is drama, suspense, and surprising turns in this chapter.

Chapter 9 — Closure and Reflection:

The group considers their trip and the relationships they’ve forged once the mystery is solved. With a sense of finality and a peek into the characters’ futures, the book ends. Along with solving a murder, the Thursday Murder Club learns about the strength of friendship and the resiliency of the human spirit.


“The Thursday Murder Club” skillfully combines humor, intrigue, and endearing friendship. Readers are introduced to a cast of endearing characters whose wisdom and wit are ageless in Richard Osman’s debut novel. The narrative explores the intricate web of the characters’ lives while navigating the difficulties of a murder investigation. With its deft plot turns, captivating story, and endearing characters, “The Thursday Murder Club” has solidified its status as a noteworthy mystery novel. This book is a tribute to the eternal value of friendship, the necessity of maintaining one’s curiosity, and the notion that adventure has no age restrictions.

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