EB-5 USA InvestorVisa Program — All You Need To Know

Koyasco Global, an Investment and Management Company can assist you in attaining EB5 Visa easily

Koyasco Global,Investment and Management Company in Uae

What is an EB-5 Visa?

An EB-5 Visa was introduced by the United States of America in the year 1990. The whole purpose of the EB-5 visa is to enable foreign investors such as entrepreneurs, High Net worth Individuals, businessmen, professionals, talented individuals, and many more to invest in the economy of the United States of America and create many job opportunities along with cultural exposure.

EB-5 Visa USA Investor Visa program

Who can apply for an EB5 Visa?

The EB5 Visa was introduced by the US government to boost the economy by attracting High-net-worth individuals who help to create more jobs and employment for US residents. A resident from any country is eligible to apply for the Eb5 Visa and age also is a factor, as anyone applying for the EB5 visa needs to be of at least 21 years old for legal signing and other procedures. Apart from the above, the legitimacy of the funds as well as the complete background checks for misconduct of the law and the criminal record of the investor or their family is being considered as well.

What are the benefits of an EB5 Visa?

The benefits of the EB-5 visa depend upon the project’s completion and its success. Therefore, like many other visas that the USA offer, which directly or indirectly account for the US economy for sure, the EB5 Visa also has many great benefits for investors from all over the world.

  • Get a Permanent Green Card
  • Get US Citizenship(optional)
  • Recompense or repayment of the investment amount
  • High Standard of Living
  • Great Healthcare and Freedom
  • Family Benefits & their Green card

What is the minimum investment amount for the application for EB5 Visa?

The minimum investment amount for the EB5 visa is the sum of $800,000 or above made through the EB-5 regional centre.

Note: There is a background check of the legitimate funds of the investor to make sure the amount invested is from the right sources.

Is EB5 Visa worth it?

The answer to this would be a firm Yes. The Visa has tremendous benefits for investors across the world. The freedom to live, education, retire, optional citizenship (after 5 years of PR), and so many other advantages prove it to be the most worthwhile visa of all times for sure.

How can Koyasco Global help you with the Eb5 visa process?

Koyasco Global provides expert advisory and complete guidance throughout the application and investment process that is being carried out; We hold collective experience of 50 years or more and a team of great financial experts, legal workforce, and ground workers all together to full fill every desired and requirement during the investment process. Investment abroad, especially investing in a world-class superpower like the USA, takes a lot of effort and needs the right resources. Koyasco Global holds every other relation and expertise to provide A-class service to let you achieve your dream of having a renowned visa like the EB5 visa. So call us today and get yourselves relieved of all the lengthy and complicated processes. Kindly let us know any of your questions on Eb5 Visa or more in the comments section below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

