Vasudha Versatile
3 min readAug 8, 2020

Don’t You Want To Know differences between Ego and Self-Confidence!!!!!!!

The fool never begins a work for fear of failure; the mediocre gives up in the middle,frustrated by obstruction;but the man of confidence never gives up,inspite of failure,till the goal is reached…..” - BHARTRUHARI.

Let go of your EGO, you will find GOD

There is a very thin line dividing confidence and ego.Most of the time we get confused and fail to decide whether we are on the right track or our ego is dominating.when ego dominates,every success turns into a failure…

Here are some points to clarify this doubt :

  1. A man of confidence says that he can do the work and others also can do it,whereas a man of ego says that he alone can do it and nobody else can.
  2. A man of confidence always commands love and respect, whereas a man of ego always demands and expects love and respect.

Confidence is not a gift of god,It has to be cultivated with self-effort and diligence.

Ego creates an illusion of superiority. One way to reduce your ego is to accept your own uniqueness and also appreciate the uniqueness of others.Ego has to be dealt in a proper way,as it effects us mentally in a negative way and makes us angry for foolish silly things that we shouldn’t care about.

Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny. All the strength and success you want is within yourself. Therefore make your own future.” — — Swami Vivekananda.

Self-confidence :: A man of self-confidence puts his faith in the innermost Divine Self,the source of all power and energy, and also feels the presence of the Divine in everyone while dealing with them.”Experience tells you what to do; confidence allows you to do it.” ~ Stan Smith.Self-confidence means believing in oneself.

You can increase your self-confidence by maintaining good Care for yourself,Act confident,Make positive affirmations to yourself daily,maintaining self-compassion,Identify your talents,look in the mirror and smile,be patient with yourself,maintain good will-power,be fearless.

Always be yourself and have faith in yourself

CONCLUSION : Having confidence is a good thing , but having over-confidence example for overconfidence is ::: The one ,who has never got into a plane trying to occupy the seat of pilot,or one who has never held a gun is ready to go to the battlefield or a person, who terribly afraid of water trying to cross ocean by swimming.Their will be other kind of people too,those who have tremendous capacities to perform wonders but they are not aware of their strength.They always underestimate themselves and try to avoid the task,all they need is a little motivation and inspiration……once they realize their strengths they can do wonders….

confident people get near to what they want and over-confident people get away from what they desire…