What is the right approach to deal with the fear of digitalization?

3 min readSep 10, 2019


Did ever happened to you that you have all theoretical prepositions to successfully reach the project goals, but in reality, the outcome was something completely different? I believe the answer is affirmative. I can honestly admit that in a few past years, I was part of a few digital transformation projects which outcomes were completely different according to plan. But this leads me into deep thinking about the roots of these causes, and help to gain more experiences how to deal with projects on different dimensions.

As Allen Saunders said:

“Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.”

Saunders’s quote explains a lot, but what the word “happens” mean? One of the meaning can give us the cause of why some digital transformation projects fail.

During the digital transformation process can happen a lot of various events which can directly or indirectly influence the outcome. But I believe that those events have something in common and this is fear of digital transformation.
If you ask three people what they think about robots and their future in manufacturing companies, two out of three would predict a futuristic world without people.

The emotional part of involvement is crucial.
People are afraid of new technologies. They are scared that they will lose jobs, which leads us to the conclusion that they are so frightened of any changes.
A crucial aspect for digital transformation project is not just outrageous master plan (rational side), but also an emotional part of the people who are involved in digital transformation projects. If the project is a car in our story, then the plan is a road, and the people and their emotions are fuel for this car which can move the project further into successful digital transformation.

The emotional mind overpowers rational brains.
How to handle people’s emotions and overcome their fear of the digital transition? First, we need to be aware that fear is one of the most powerful emotions; it has a powerful effect on your mind and body. And the part in the brain which is responsible for fear is the” lizard brain,” we call it like that because a lizard has for brain function the limbic system. Lizard brain refers to be the oldest part of the brain. And neuroscience tells us that the emotional mind overpowers the rational brains. That’s why, despite the excellent master plan, you will need to motivate people to collaborate in digital transformation. It would not be enough to have direction from top management to the bottom, because when people feel fear, they start to sabotage the project unconsciously. And the fact is that 84% of companies fail at digital transformation.

Start with small steps.
For the successful implementation of digital transformation, you need to listen to the people and help them overcome the fear of technology. But how can anyone deal with anxiety? The right approach would be to start with small steps, and eventually, at some point, fear would become an echo — the same method you can implement in the digital transformation processes. Employees need to gain trust in new technologies, so don’t be too futuristic when you are dealing with the implementation, for the vision, and strategy, of course, is a muss. But at the beginning of a digital transformation, give your employees technologies which are familiar to them and then later you can improve it with a little more advanced innovation. And eventually, you will reach your futuristic vision and strategy with step by step approach.

Focus on internal marketing and early adopters.
On the other hand, internal marketing can have a crucial role in this process. With this kind of marketing, people can be in a smooth way introduced to new technology or innovation in your company. If they saw any value or personal interest, they would want to be actively involved in digital transformation. For every single digital transformation project, the early adopters and enthusiasts within your company are crucial ambassadors, influencers, and leaders at the same time, who can drastically change the outcome of the project.




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