Notes from Ascension Camp

K. Pearson Bradley
3 min readAug 16, 2022

[This is a journal exercise — writing from the present day to my younger self, as if I am away at Ascension Camp, telling my younger self what is currently happening. My younger self was worried about me, because before I left, I was floundering in the socially conditioned world that required me to abandon my authentic self in order to navigate the paradigm created in separation and competition. I’m writing to tell my younger self the good news about what I’ve learned, and to assure her not to worry about me anymore.]

Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash

Hi! I just wanted you to know that Camp Ascension is such a great place. I wish everyone could come to camp here, and maybe they will at some point. You were really worried about me before I left for camp, and it was for good reason. I was chugging along in the rat race, mostly on autopilot, doing what everyone expected me to do. I didn’t even really give a thought to what I wanted to do, or what made my heart sing. My poor heart had been on mute for a very long time.

However, Camp Ascension gently reminds all of us here who we really are and gives us valuable time to reacquaint ourselves with the things that bring us joy. I feel like I found myself again, and the things that I used to strive for seem unimportant now. What is important is following joy, exploring my creative nature, being present and curious about what this beautiful world presents to me each day, and sharing those creative passions with others. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

Five Things I Learned at Ascension Camp

1. Fear and worry are optional. I used to worry about getting in trouble, doing things the wrong way, failing, being rejected, or somehow missing the point about my place in the world. What I’ve learned here is that there is no need to be fearful, worried, or lonely. God, Creator, Source, Universe, or whatever you want to call it, is here to help us all. Once I was able to grasp that concept, I was able to get a new perspective on life.

2. There are helpers, mentors, and role models everywhere. I was introduced to teachers, counselors, guides, coaches, leaders, and tutors that showed me there was another way to approach life. These amazing camp counselors were lighthearted, cheerful, and warm. They exuded unconditional love, and it is contagious. If any of the campers lost their way, the counselors would find them and lead them back to safety.

3. Mother Earth is a wonderful healer. We spent so much time in nature, appreciating the sun, the clouds, gentle rain, birds, insects, animals, trees, plants, and flowers. It is so beautiful! There is a calming rhythm and inexplicable magic to connecting with nature, and we were allowed to revel in it, both day and night. If I would ever slip back into my old thinking, the beauty of creation brought me back to understanding what was real and important.

4. Each unique individual has a passion and a purpose to share. There are so many different people at camp, with diverse interests, passions, skills, aptitudes, and ideas. We learned that there is no need to compare ourselves to other people or worry that one person’s choices are better or worse than another’s. Our unique qualities are the ones to be shared with others, and the variety is what makes working together so meaningful and enjoyable.

5. Follow the wisdom of your heart. Life does not have to be difficult, stressful, or burdensome. Our hearts are full of unconditional love, unbridled creativity, abundance, awareness, gratitude, and unified consciousness. If we slow down and listen to the guidance of our hearts, which comes from our deepest and highest selves, life can be exciting, revelatory, and rich.

Camp is not over, and I’m so excited to learn more! Thank you for believing in me and encouraging me to participate. I love you!

Feel free to try this journal exercise and let me know what you think in the comments.



K. Pearson Bradley

Writer, Shakespeare Enthusiast, Nature Lover, Lightworker, Foodie, Traveler, Reiki Master, Author of Merchant Tides Series, Certified Angel & Aura Reader