No Sympathy for Stupid

Kim Peters
3 min readJul 10, 2018

As I sit here in front of my computer with a handful of Hershey caramel filled kisses trying to find a way to express my anger about a particular news subject that keeps popping up while pondering, “should I be nice or lay it out how it plays in my mind?” Such a hard question, I mean I am a nice person that has been characterized as overly sensitive as well as overly nice pretty much my whole life but…..I was also raised by a mouthy single mom who instilled in me a bite of the tongue with a temper to match when my anger comes-a-calling so here we go…balls to the wall and no filter to stop it!

Temperatures have been anything but cool with some areas of the United States reaching outside temps of over a 100 degrees and in the Midwest (where I currently reside), it has been easily 90 degrees with 70 to 80 degree humidity which is even worse than pure heat and what seems to be the most common news story, kids under the age of 3 dying in hot cars and well I have NO Sympathy for Stupid!

I am, by far the most sympathetic person but are you freaking kidding me!?! On average in the United states, 37 kids have died due to vehicular heatstroke with 42 dying in 2017 alone! Since it isn’t hot all year round in most parts of America, that would mean that out of three hottest months, June, July and August, no less than 14 kids die in a month! Now soak that in, 14 kids!!!

How stupid do you have to be to be to be so preoccupied with whatever is going on in the freaking car, that you forget your child!!! Alert people, THERE IS NOTHING!! Lapse of memory, abnormal routine, things thrown out of whack on that particular day? Well you remembered to dress your child and yourself, you remembered to feed your child but you can’t remember the child that YOU put in the car, strapped in and took off with?

Sorry did I forget to be nice well guess what, I have NO Sympathy for Stupid! If you can’t remember you have a child in the car, you really need to rethink birthing! Do I feel any sympathy for parents that it happens to? Well, ummm HELL TO THE DAMN NO!! I am a bleeding heart, I am that person that feels sorry for pretty much everyone but nope, NO Sympathy for Stupid! Do you see a trend in this article?

People listen up, get your shit together! I have four children who are grown, I have babysat my nieces and my friends’ kids and NEVER, NEVER have I forgotten any of them in the car and yet we should feel sympathy for the parent or guardian who was negligent enough to let a child cook in the car! You know who we should feel sorry for, the poor child who died alone, the child who was strapped in a seat with no relief, a child……

I have NO Sympathy for Stupid……

