What Will It Take To Get Ahead Of Our Vulnerabilities?

Kevin Poulsen
1 min readFeb 11, 2016

Joel de la Garza, you explored an easily imaginable close future in which no activities can truly be kept private. Even if it’s about to get worse, the privacy threat is qualitatively a familiar one to everyone with a computer or a credit card. Nicholas Weaver took it a step further, describing “actuator” threats that are grimmer. If you accept that these dangers are real, what would it take to get ahead of them?

The Future of Security Roundtable is a Google-sponsored initiative that brings together thought leaders to discuss how we can best protect ourselves from the data breaches and security risks of tomorrow. Panelists are not affiliated with Google, and their opinions are their own. Read the post that kicked off the roundtable here and feel free to join in the conversation.



Kevin Poulsen

Contributing editor at WIRED, and the author of the cybercrime book KINGPIN (Crown, 2011). kevin.poulsen@gmail.com. kingpin.cc