Black Holes- The Outlaws of Physics?

Kr Aariv
4 min readJan 22, 2024


A black hole ( previously called ‘frozen star’ ) is a region in space-time that gravity is so strong even light cannot escape, which means we cannot in no way escape from the immense gravity, and if we want to escape, we have to go faster than light ( 182 mach ), which is impossible. These celestial and mysterious objects have attracted various physicists, theoretical physicists, astronomers, mathematicians, and scientists from the last century. But, the main contribution to black holes was made by Stephen Hawking, whose main achievements were studying in black holes with quantum mechanics. He found the theoretical evidence of hawking radiation, which is the emitting of virtual particles from black holes. In this essay, I will explain the mysteries of black holes.

Anatomy of a black hole
Anatomy of a black hole

The anatomy of a black hole is quite simple. 1. Accretion disk is outer region of the black hole. It is a disk of super-hot gas rotating near the speed of light, because of the intense gravity of the black hole. It is like storing the food for another time. 2. The Relativistic jets are beams of particles emitted from the black hole after consuming a star. You can call it the deadly “Burp” of a black hole. 3. The event horizon is also known as the point of no return, as there is no return after that point. The gravity becomes so intense that light will not escape after this point. 4. Singularity is the point of which classical laws of physics break down. Much is not known about the interior of black holes. You can see the image above for reference.

Black holes have angular Momentum, mass, and also emits particles like any other Celestial body (the last one is for stars). As a black hole does not leave any trace of information, so John Wheeler said in a joke, “A black hole has no hair”. A black hole is made when a object is compressed more than it should be. The point where all the laws of physics break down is called a singularity, a place in space-time which has no dimensions. But, there is a catch. If the black hole is rotating, the singularity becomes a ringularity, an infinitely dense ring. This creates a possibility of a wormhole, or a Einstein-Rosen Bridge. The Black hole was before called a frozen Star.

There are some types of black holes which I will explain now. 1. Stellar black holes are black holes with 20- 50 solar masses. 2. Super massive black holes are normally millions of solar masses. There are theories on how these massive black holes form, like fluctuations in the quantum realm or 2 or more black holes colliding into each other. 3. Primordial black holes are a hypothetical branch of atom-sized black holes. They may be the cause of some outcomes. 4. White hole everyone knows, the hypothetical opposite of a black hole. 5. Mountain sized black holes were hypothesized by Stephen Hawking. It is a mountain sized black hole. It is said it can produce enough energy to power the earth.

There are some instances of how black holes are formed. 1. The collapsing of a star. 2. Compressing an object too much ( which is unlikely ). 3. As the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, if the wavelength of a particle is smaller than the black hole, it can become a black hole. These quantum fluctuations may cause the black holes before stars.

Black holes emit virtual particles at a standard rate which is dubbed Hawking Radiation. If you fall into a black hole,you will experience extreme gravitational forces. As the object gets closer to the black hole’s event horizon (the boundary beyond which nothing can escape), the gravitational pull becomes stronger. The difference in gravitational attraction on different parts of the object — intensify, potentially causing what is known as “spaghettification.” In spaghettification, the object is stretched into a long, thin shape due to these tidal forces. If you are falling into a stellar one, you will be ripped apart, but if you go into a massive one, you can survive.

Spaghettification illustration

Once an object crosses the event horizon, it is believed to be inexorably drawn toward the singularity at the center of the black hole. The singularity is a point of infinite density where classical physics breaks down, and our current understanding of physics cannot accurately describe what happens there.

Even though we do not know much about it, the M theory and others are advancing quickly. There may be a time we use black holes for transportation.

This the end of my essay. I will writing many more later. Bye!

