Pricing Strategies: A conversation between Ram & Shyam, two friends in a product management team

Kumar Vishwesh
4 min readMar 3, 2023


Photo by Kartabya Aryal on Unsplash

Two old friends meet, and they joined as interns in a top-notch firm. This article presents a conversation between Ram & Shyam, two friends in a product management team.

These two friends are conversing on “Pricing Strategies”. Their names are Ram & Shyam. We will look at their conversation and take away key learnings and summarize them as well.


Ram: Hey, have you ever wondered how companies come up with their prices for products or services?

Shyam: Yeah, I’ve always been curious about that. What do you think?

Ram: Well, there are actually a bunch of different pricing strategies they use. For example, there’s cost-plus pricing, where they add a markup to the cost of producing the product or service to make a profit.

Shyam: Ah, got it. So, what about when they’re launching a new product or trying to gain market share?

Ram: In those cases, they might use penetration pricing, where they set a low price to attract customers and build brand loyalty. Or, if it’s a really unique product, they might use skimming pricing and set a high price to target early adopters.

Shyam: Interesting. And what about when market demand changes?

Ram: That’s where dynamic pricing comes in. They adjust the price in real time based on market demand and supply. It’s common in industries like airlines or ride-sharing.

Shyam: Ah, got it. And what about when they want to sell multiple products together?

Ram: They might use bundling pricing, where they offer a discount when customers purchase multiple products or services together.

Shyam: Cool. And are there any pricing techniques they use to influence customer perception?

Ram: Yes! Psychological pricing is a technique where they use pricing tricks to influence customer perception. For example, setting prices just below a round number or emphasizing the value of the product or service.

Shyam: Wow, I had no idea there were so many pricing strategies. Thanks for explaining it to me!

Key takeaways from the conversation

Let’s summarize the learnings from the conversation:

Pricing strategy is a critical component of any business, as it directly impacts revenue, profits, and customer perception. Here are some common pricing strategies used by businesses:

  1. Cost-plus pricing: This strategy involves adding a markup percentage to the cost of producing a product or service. The markup covers the company’s overhead and generates a profit.
  2. Value-based pricing: This strategy involves setting prices based on the perceived value of the product or service to the customer. The price is often higher than cost-plus pricing, but customers are willing to pay more because they perceive the product or service to be of high value.
  3. Penetration pricing: This strategy involves setting a low price to enter a new market or gain market share. The goal is to attract customers and build brand loyalty, with the expectation of raising prices later on.
  4. Skimming pricing: This strategy involves setting a high price for a new product or service with unique features or benefits. The goal is to target early adopters who are willing to pay a premium, with the expectation of lowering prices as competition increases.
  5. Dynamic pricing: This strategy involves adjusting prices based on market demand, supply, and other factors in real time. This can be seen in industries like airlines and ride-sharing, where prices are higher during peak times and lower during off-peak times.
  6. Bundling pricing: This strategy involves offering multiple products or services together at a discounted price, compared to purchasing them separately. This can increase sales and customer loyalty, as customers perceive they are getting more value for their money.
  7. Psychological pricing: This strategy involves using pricing techniques that influence customer perception, such as setting prices just below a round number, offering discounts or promotions, or emphasizing the value of the product or service.


Overall, businesses need to consider various factors when determining their pricing strategy, including their costs, competition, customer behavior, and market trends. The right pricing strategy can help businesses attract and retain customers, increase revenue and profits, and stay competitive in the marketplace.

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Kumar Vishwesh

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