Businesses At Risk: Tackling Critical Vulnerabilities In Salesforce’s Apex Programing

Kamal raj
3 min readFeb 25, 2024


There are serious flaws in Salesforce’s Apex programming that could endanger company data. It is imperative that these vulnerabilities be secured as soon as possible to protect the Salesforce environment from further attacks.

Businesses are making every effort to stay attentive in protecting their data from potential breaches in light of the recent surge in cyberattacks. Critical vulnerabilities in Salesforce’s Apex programming language have been discovered recently by Varonis Threat Labs, raising serious concerns about the security of company data. It is critical to address these vulnerabilities right away in order to preserve the integrity of the Salesforce environment.

Recognizing the Danger of Apex Code

Following a thorough investigation, Varonis Threat Labs discovered high- and critical-severity vulnerabilities as well as misconfigurations in Apex, a programming language that is frequently used to customize Salesforce instances. The widespread extent of the danger was demonstrated by the identification of these vulnerabilities in government organizations and Fortune 500 corporations.

Notably, the vulnerability is not limited to big businesses because Apex code is used in many “off-the-shelf” apps. Exploiting these vulnerabilities could lead to data loss, data corruption, and interruptions of critical Salesforce business operations.

Apex is essential for customizing Salesforce instances because it allows users to create custom code and logic, much like Java does. On the Salesforce Lightning Platform server, developers use this object-oriented language to manage transactions and carry out business logic.

Apex’s versatility creates vulnerabilities even while it makes for strong customizations. Additionally, there are two ways that Apex code can run: “without sharing” and “with sharing,” each of which has a unique set of dangers.

The Model of Shared Responsibility

Most importantly, Salesforce clients have the responsibility to guarantee the security of the Apex code they use under the shared responsibility paradigm. Salesforce puts the whole burden of security entirely on the shoulders of the end-user organizations, in contrast to many other cloud services where the provider takes on a more substantial role.

There are two different ways that Apex can function: “without sharing” and “with sharing.” Each has a different set of hazards. In the former case, sensitive data may be accessed by unauthorised parties as code is able to disregard human authorization. Although necessary for some functions, this strong capability should be used with caution, particularly when entrusting guests or outside users.

Professional Perspectives

The research’s author, Nitay Bachrach, a senior security researcher at Varonis, emphasizes how important it is for businesses to carry out in-depth audits of all Apex classes. He advises beginning with locating and auditing classes that are set up to operate “without sharing” and that can be executed by guest users. It is crucial to follow the least privilege principle, which makes sure that code only executes without sharing when absolutely required.

Varonis’s Country Manager for South Asia, Maheswaran S., emphasizes how crucial it is to comprehend the shared responsibility concept. According to him, customer organizations need to take proactive measures to secure the security of their data, even though cloud service providers are accountable for the dependability and availability of their platforms.

Reducing Hazards: A Strategic Method for High-Level Security

It is recommended that enterprises carefully analyze their Apex classes in order to minimize the blast radius and strengthen Salesforce security. This entails examining permission sets closely, verifying profiles, and doing a thorough evaluation of who can carry them out. The typically time-consuming procedure is made simpler by Varonis’ posture page and event monitoring features, which provide expedited detection of vulnerable Apex classes.

Verifying the security of Apex class creation is a crucial step in the security audit process. This involves going over the source code in detail to make sure the class is set up to operate “without sharing.” Customers of Varonis can quickly identify Apex classes that are not sharing and evaluate the risks involved by utilizing the “posture” page.

