Amazing and Interesting Life Incidents of Swami Vivekananda

Rajeshgoud k
3 min readJun 29, 2019


The Role Model for the youth, the one whose words are great music, phrases in the style of Beethoven, the one who is an inspiration for millions of youth like us! He is none other than ‘SwamiVivekanand’, ‘Swami- the greatest source of achievement, pride and inspiration’ in the true sense,I must say!He taught us the importance of unconditional love and taught us the lesson of humanity and guided us to become a better human first

There are many incidents which took place in Swami’s life, which not only strikes many questions about how humanity is medium to express love and care,but also continue to inspire people not just in India but world over, especially the youth!Swami Vivekananda’s life is full of amazing incidents which will give a positive enlightenment. So let’s discover some of the notable incidents of Swami Vivekananda’s life

1. Once, Swamiji was having a trek in the Himalayas. And thereby, He saw an old man extremely exhausted who was standing at the foot of an upward incline. The old man said to Swamiji in frustration, “Oh, sir I don’t know how I am going to cross it; I cannot walk any longer; my chest will halt.”Swamiji answered, “Look down at your feet.

2.The road which is under your feet is the road that you have crossed over and is the same road that you see beforehand you; it will quickly be under your feet.” These valuable words from such a great personality inspired the old man to continue his trek.

3. During Swami’s voyage across India, he once stopped at a railway station in Rajasthan, where initially he preached his message and lessons to listeners. He stayed there for and the shocking fact was nobody offered him any food in those three days. However, A cobbler noticed this and expressed his desire to offer him food, But he was scared since he belonged to a lower caste. But,great Swamiji, happily accepted food from him and was against the notion of caste discrimination.

4.Some people who were there condemned Swamiji for accepting food cooked by a low caste cobbler. Swamiji in a very calm manner replied, “You people claim to be gentleman and boast of your high caste; what is more shameful that you condemn this man for being from a low caste. Can you overlook the humanity he has just shown and despise him without feeling ashamed?”

5. Once Swami, while travelling to America, was given a enthusiastic reception at a railway station in America as he got down from the train. A Negro porter went excitingly forward to shake hands with him saying: “Congratualations! I am extremely delighted that a man of my race has attained such great honor! The entire Negro community in this country feels proud of you!’ Swamiji calmly shook hands with the porter and said gently , “Thank you, brother!” Swamiji at that moment didn’t deny the fact that he wasn’t Negro, but later When asked why he didn’t reveal that he wasn’t a Negro, he smilingly replied, “What? Should I rise at the expense of other? I was not born for that!”.

6. While traveling around India, Swamiji came across a cobbler, who was looked down by the general public due to his caste and profession. Swamiji tried igniting self-respect in the cobbler so that he never feels low dues to his profession by saying, “Your profession is very noble. It is only because of you that people are able to roam around without feeling the heat of the earth.” These valuable words had a beautiful impact on the cobbler and he started developing self-respect for his work because no work is low. Lastly, I would like to conclude in the words of Swamiji that ‘Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached’

