Meet Lis Fernandez
The actress playing the “woman in red” in Juliana Rodriguez’s “Eternal Son”

Kraken Film Magazine
6 min readMay 15, 2024


In our intimate conversation with Argentine actress Lis Fernandez, we unraveled some challenges and triumphs woven throughout the filming of “Eternal Son” (2024), independent feature film directed by Argentinian female filmmaker Juliana Rodriguez.
Lis’s narrative was laced with candid reflections and memorable anecdotes, a behind-the-scenes magic of a film in which she plays the double role of both the “Woman in Red” and a stewardess.

What is “Eternal Son”?
“Eternal Son” revolves around Adrian’s tumultuous journey. Leaving Buenos Aires, he embarks on a quest for closure, only to return fifteen years later, confronting the ghosts of his past. The film is anything but a straightforward narrative.

Reflecting on her role in “Eternal Son” as her debut in the Latin soap opera genre, Lis shared a lighthearted revelation. “Oh, I had no clue ‘Eternal Son’ could be tagged as a soap opera, haha! But hey, if that’s the label it’s getting, then sure, I guess you could say it was my soap opera debut.”

That “big” scene..
When asked about memorable moments or challenges encountered during filming, Lis sparkled with a hint of mischief. “Ah, challenges,” she mused. “Let’s talk about the big one: the sex scene.” Lis’s frankness was refreshing, offering a glimpse into the intricacies of filming intimate scenes. “It’s always a delicate aspect of filming,” she admitted.
Keep reading to find out more!

Q: What led you to a career in acting? Can you remember the specific moment in which you decided to start this path?

Lis: Oh, absolutely! My dad was always ahead of the curve when it came to technology, especially with cameras. By the time I was five, I was already the star of his documentary projects! It was surreal seeing myself up there on the same screen as all those Hollywood big shots. Acting had been a dream of mine since I was a kid, but I never got around to taking any drama classes. I remember hitting 14 and thinking I’d missed the boat on pursuing it seriously. But then one day, I caught an interview with one of my idols, the Argentine actress Leticia Bredice, who mentioned she started acting at 14. She inspired me to just go for it, and I enrolled in acting classes at my local school.

Q: How did you land this role? Tell us more about how the casting process went!
Lis: Well, it was kind of a stroke of luck for me, really. There wasn’t any big casting hoopla involved! Juliana had her eye out for an actress with certain physical traits, and luckily, someone on the team tossed my name in the hat. She checked out my acting reel, we had a chat about the character and the whole project, and boom, I was all in!

Q: How did you prepare for the role of The Woman in Red?
Lis: The Woman in Red character in the film was a mix of all the important women in Adrian’s life. Juliana shared some scenes of Belen’s performance to help me get her acting style down. Oh, and in case I didn’t mention it earlier, this movie was shot in Buenos Aires back in 2023, but get this — our director, Juliana, wasn’t even in town! She had a whole crew here, and we tackled everything remotely. So, before hitting the set, I sent Juli a self-tape with my take on the character, and she gave me some tips to polish it up before we started shooting.

Q: “Eternal Son” features a female filmmaker. Can you tell us more about the impact women in film lead to the industry?
I strongly believe Women filmmakers are essential in shaping the film industry. Just the other day, I came across an article highlighting that only about 16% of directors working on the top films were women, despite females making up half of the world’s population! I think that achieving equal representation in the industry is crucial.
In ‘Eternal Son,’ Juliana’s direction was instrumental. She captured the essence of each character flawlessly, particularly the women in Adrian’s life, which gave authenticity and depth to the story. Juliana’s talent was rightfully recognized with the Best Female Filmmaker award at the New Jersey Film Awards. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have collaborated with her.

Q: What were your initial thoughts or emotions upon watching “Eternal Son” for the first time?
Lis: I had a lot of anticipation and nerves going in, you know? Juliana had shared the story with me, but I wasn’t part of the 2008 cast. So it was like experiencing something entirely new, yet already having a sense of what the story was about. It was really fascinating to uncover all the details of a story I thought I already had down pat. I think Juliana nailed it, creating a captivating film with an unreliable narrator. And let me tell you, watching Alexia [Moyano]’s performance was an absolute joy! She’s a phenomenal actress whom I greatly admire, and seeing her in ‘Eternal Son’ felt like stumbling upon a hidden gem!

Q: As an actress, are there any specific genres or roles you’re eager to explore next?
Lis: Absolutely, action genre! I love acting because it allows me to step out of my own shoes and embody a whole new character and their story. What I find most thrilling is diving into roles that are completely different from my own reality — Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the emotional depth of crying or laughing scenes, but there’s something exciting about a good fight scene where you know you’re gonna come out on top, and nobody gets hurt!

When asked to distill her top three pieces of advice for actors, Lis’s enthusiasm was palpable. “It’s tough to pick just one thing!” she stated.
“First off, when a role is meant for you, it’s meant for you”. Her advice was rooted in the importance of trust — trust in the process and, most importantly, trust in oneself. “Every director who’s chosen me for a role has told me they saw the character when they saw me — how I talked, how I moved — it’s like we were a perfect match”.​

Another piece of advice she gave is: “don’t judge the character. That’s for the audience to do! Whether I’m playing the hero or the villain, I always focus on understanding their motivations, their feelings, what makes them tick. Judging just gets in the way of the work I need to do as an actor.”

In a world where boundaries are often blurred, Lis’s final piece of advice is rooted in a message of empowerment. “Nobody gets to define the type of actor you want to be”, she asserted. “It’s your journey, your choice. Setting boundaries and respecting your comfort level doesn’t make you any less of an actor; in fact, it’s quite the opposite. It empowers you to define your path every single day of your career”.

Poster from “Eternal Son” (2024).

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