The Science of Portion Control Diet

Asna Shahid
5 min readDec 29, 2022


It can be really irritating to gain weight and especially you are unaware of the reason that causing the weight gain. Although eating often has the biggest impact on weight gain, other elements including stress and lack of sleep may also be involved. One of the largest health issues in the globe is obesity. Compared to people whose weight is within a normal range, those with metabolic syndrome have a significantly increased risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

People believe that weight gain is due to their low self-esteem and will power.

Well!! That is not absolutely accurate. Actually, eating habits and lifestyle choices play a big role in weight gain, and some people are unable to manage their eating patterns.

The problem is that a variety of biological aspects, including hormones and heredity, contribute to overeating. But some folks simply have a tendency to gain weight. Yes, people can change their lifestyle and behavior to compensate for hereditary and genetic disorders with commitment, willpower and persistence.

Fast food, calorie-dense sweets, sugary beverages, and more have left us feeling full and exhausted. The junk food greater in fats and sugar, desserts, rice, pasta, drinks, sodas are our calorie generator best friends now. We have limited control over how our body functions. But don’t worry, you can learn to modify your dietary patterns and lifestyle. You just need to improve the dietary habits.

Portion Control or Eating Everything?

Having healthy portion control doesn’t require you to consume tiny servings or count every single piece while eating. However, if you are overeating, you may need to reinstruct your brains to perceive a smaller-than-normal portion as being sufficiently satiating. Portion control is actually refers to consuming food in levels that are thought to enhance health. Large food portions may cause weight gain if the body consumes more calories than it can expend through exercise. To maintain or decrease weight, portion control and regular exercise are required.

Weight gain is caused by eating too many calories and fat, and a lack of nutrients can result in general ill health. So, it’s crucial to consider both the quantity and quality of the food you eat each day. According to the WHO, reducing portion sizes and overall energy intake can lower the risk of unhealthful weight gain. By controlling your daily nutrition and by making food portions you can have a good balanced nutritious diet, containing calories, fats and carbohydrates. It’s unhealthy to consume only little amounts of high-fat or low-nutrient foods. To maintain excellent health and the ideal body weight, one must eat balanced meals and snacks throughout the day.

Practice some portion-control tips:

Manage your portions when dining out:

Many restaurants offer extra food than is necessary for one individual to eat at one time. By dividing an entrée with a friend, you can manage how much food ends up on your plate. Alternatively, you can take an extra meal to your home.

Manage your portions when eating in:

Serve the meal on separate plates rather than setting the serving dishes on the table when dining at home to decrease the attraction of other servigs. Overeating may be prevented by keeping the extra food out of reach.

Stay Hydrated:

Drink water before each meal it will help quell hunger that is actually just thirst.

Eat More Healthy Diet:

  • Substitute the dessert with a fruit bowl.
  • More in salad plate.
  • Cut back on processed foods and white bread and other refined grains.
  • Less salt may help in curing several diseases such as risk of hypertension, heart disease, and kidney disease.
  • Choose lean protein and seafood over fatty meats. Consume more fish per week.
  • Use canola oil, olive oil and other good oils instead of butter and margarine.
  • Low-fat diet, foods, eggs, beans, and much of fruits and vegetables.

Recommend Calories: Body Mass Index:

When trying to reduce weight, there is no right or wrong amount of any particular food to consume. The right eating portions are those that satisfy you and allow you to fuel your body with energy and nutrients. Your recommended calorie intake will vary depending on your age, gender, and level of activity which can be find out by measuring Body Mass Index (BMI).

· For active males, 6 to 8 servings of each food group per day (about 2,300–3,000 kcal) is ideal.

· For active females 4 to 6 servings of each food type per day (about 1,500–2,100 kcal) is ideal.

Daily Estimated Diet

  • 2 to 3 Cups of vegetables.
  • 1 to 2 whole grains.
  • 1 cup of nonfat or low-fat dairy foods.
  • 6 ounces of protein (meat, beans, and seafood) daily.
  • 4 to 6 teaspoons of good oils.
  • 500 calories from solid fats and added sugars.

Your daily calorie goal can be used to assist decide appropriate portion sizes if your weight loss plan calls for tracking calories. In contrast to serving size, the portion size should be determined using the daily caloric intake as a guide. You would then determine how much of a certain meal you can consume to stay under that limit, and use that information to plan your menus.

My New Diet: Actually Eating Correctly

In order to eat more nutrient-dense foods and to nourish your body as you strive to lose weight, portion control can be a highly effective strategy. If you are trying to lose weight, the first step in making a change is frequently just becoming aware of the portion amounts you are eating. You are more likely to achieve your exercise objectives and form healthy eating habits if you start off with worthy habits. This will help you avoid unwanted tension and anxiety.

