The Kiss Explained through Tantra and Science. The Art of Love vs The Art of Research.

Kremena Kirilova
3 min readJul 20, 2024

When mystical and factual align

Created by Midjourney

A kiss can be described as a rainbow depicting all range of emotions from kindness, gentleness, gratitude, sadness to the highest degree of eroticism and passionate.

Love kiss is considered the signature mark of an intimate sex. It expresses sexuality and communicates affection, allowing partners to get closer on a spiritual level.

New research on the ancient history of smooching reveals that humans have been kissing romantically for at least 4,500 years. — Psychology Today

Tantra explains that “a kiss” with eye contact allows the souls of the partners to unite. It further states that with a kiss the partners can explore their characters and moreover, show the way that their intimate parts would love to be treated. Kissing allows partners to express a desire for rhythm and movements. Tantra implies that kissing provides the sense of safety and stimulates the brain. The saliva discharged while kissing is considered “a life juice that feeds both of the partners”. It also balances and achives harmony.

Tantra considers the art of kissing as one of the keys to a pleasurable and fulfilling sexual act.

