Automated Website Deployment 100% in Multiple Environments (Dev, QA and Production) using Azure DevOps Repos and Pipelines (CI/CD)

Kris Renaldi
2 min readMar 26, 2024


In another real-world scenario project, I worked as a Cloud Engineer using Azure DevOps to automatically deploy a serverless website in a 100% way using Azure DevOps Repos and Azure DevOps Pipelines resources.

A new project was created within an Azure DevOps Organization. The Azure DevOps Repos stored the website files and the CI/CD Pipelines automated the entire website deployment process in 3 different environments (Dev, QA, and Production). The deployment to Production does require manual approval from a user to do a code review before allowing the automated deployment to the Production environment.

Some additional steps were needed in order to accomplish this task:

  • You need to setup parallelism to link your Azure DevOps Organization to access you Azure Portal services. In this case, I was storing the website files on 3 separate storage accounts in Azure Portal — one for each environment. To get parallelism setup, you will need to fill out the following form here in order for Microsoft to set it up. NOTE: It usually take 2–3 business days for Microsoft to compete these requests.
  • If you want to use classic views to build your pipelines, you need to make sure that Disable creation of classic build pipelines and Disable creation of classic release pipelines are both set to off under your Organization Settings.



Kris Renaldi

Full Stack Developer with expertise in Cloud & DevOps