Sapere Aude
1 min readMay 17, 2017


I agree, and feel your anger about the actions (or lack thereof) of our political representatives (at every level, in every position).

But I would encourage prudent (re)action.

Vote out all those whose voting records and ideologies run contrary to the welfare of us the citizens, our national security, economic stability, and/or global-community standing.

However those that are doing right (and that is usually pretty obvious if you check their voting records), no matter how many terms they’ve served, should be supported in every way within our reach and power.

(example website to check voting records, to get you started if you don’t already have a reference site:

For myself, I don’t look at how many terms a representative has served. So term limits don’t sway me. After all that’s what voting is supposed to remedy, if needed.

If you have a bad representative, vote him/her out, or impeach him/her if that is warranted.

THAT is ‘our' responsibility as a citizen in this democracy.

Frankly, I prefer a rep that has been at it a while. They’ve had the time to build connections, establish their positions and ideologies, and had sufficient time to prove their worthiness to (continue to) serve or not.

I apologize for my own pontificating. Not meant to condescend or offend!

Regards! ☺

