Sapere Aude
2 min readMay 10, 2017


“Trump’s decision to remove the FBI director “was an anti-democratic maneuver.””

Everything — E V E R Y T H I N G! — Trump has done, especially since being appointed as President, has been geared toward anti-democracy.

(But we become deer-in-the-headlights when he throws more subtle curve balls.)

He is an unfettered capitalist through and through. Why would anyone think otherwise just because he was running for political office…?

Unfettered capitalism and democracy are at best uneasy bedfellows, at worse the catalyst to the disintegration of a nation.

There had been no drip, drip, drip in the erosion of democracy.

This has been a full-fledged push and shove, DARING people to react. Daring people to resist.

If Trump is surprised by resistance or opposition to his tantrums and petulance, it is only because he suffers from a personality disorder which has been nurtured from birth.

I am more concerned that everyone else is so surprised?

Have so few of us been exposed to a true narcissist? A sociopath? A psychopath?

So little exposure, too great the misapprehension of what it is we are up against.

We are not ready to resist if we do not apprehend the scope and magnitude of what we face.

This is NOT a reality show folks.

And the consequences will affect every single one of us. At least those of us who survive the cliff — which is where so many of us are being herded towards.

Didn’t think it was going to happen to you, did you.

“There is as yet no liberty if the power of judging be not separated from the legislative power and the executive power.”

“The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy.”

— Charles Dr Montesquieu


And for everyone’s sake — DO SOMETHING TO RESIST!

