Cry little girl

Shiraz Krifa
2 min readMay 1, 2020


Image by Afarin Sajedi

Cry little girl! cry!

cry for daddy

for he is not coming

he is too busy kicking,

hitting and beating

that’s why your mother’s on the floor crying

and you can see what she’s hiding

your sister is in the bathroom weeping

her eye isn’t opening and her mouth won’t stop bleeding

Cry little girl! cry!

cry for your big brother

for he is indeed coming

that’s why you hear him grunting,

groaning and moaning

you can feel him in your neck breathing

and on your back and hips grinding

Cry little girl! Cry!

cry for the world

for they do not care

that’s why you’re feeling

the stranger’s hands on your thighs scraping

he’s behind you humping

and you’re wondering

what the fuck is happening!

you were only nine

when you were feeling his slime

between your legs dripping

that’s definitely what your mother’s wiping

They tell you they’re not all the same

and that some of them might be sane

oh! laugh little girl! laugh!

laugh at them for they do not see

how fucking ugly mad this world can be

oh! laugh little girl! laugh!

laugh at them for they do not know

you will not submit

you will not obey

you will not look down

stand up

look up

and speak up:

I will not shut up!

