3 Ways You Can Dispose of Your Kitchen Knives in a Safe Manner

Krios Kitchens
2 min readApr 15, 2019


A lot of modular kitchens in Trivandrum and other cities in India have people still working with age-old utensils, keeping the nostalgic and emotional value of their kitchen items still intact in the food they cook. And while it’s a great thing, there are certain kitchen tools that need to be replaced after a certain period of usage, for they lose their functionality with time. Kitchen knives are one such commodity, and we are here to shed some light on a few ways that you can dispose of your old and thoroughly-used ones form your kitchen…

Donate them
Before you decide to get rid of your old kitchen knives and think of potential ways to do it, give a little thought to whether they’re still usable or not. Maybe they no longer suit your culinary abilities, but they might not be completely unusable for someone else. We mean to say, maybe you could think about donating them. There a lot of people, even charitable organizations out there that are in desperate need for kitchen knives. Now, before you donate an old knife, wrap it securely, maybe in a few layers of newspaper or bubble wrap, and put it in a cardboard box with ‘knives’ written on the top, to make sure one knows exactly what’s inside and they don’t get hurt.

Recycle them
There are some companies that are into metal recycling; they accept various kinds of kitchen items, which includes old kitchen knives. So, if you feel that your kitchen knives are too old and overused, check first with one of the local metal recycling companies that might accept them. If they do, which is highly likely, you’ll have found the perfect way to get rid of your unusable kitchen knives.

Throw them away
Finally, if you have no other choice but to toss them away, then make sure you take certain precautions, as knives, even the dull ones, can prove to be quite dangerous. So, either take several sheets of an old newspaper to wrap them around every inch of the exposed blades of the knives. Or, you can use bubble wrap and do the same, before finally taping up the wrap securely. Another way is to use a cardboard box, which might just be the safest way to go. But, cardboard isn’t that flexible, so you’ll need to get a little creative. Take a cardboard piece that is longer as well as bigger than the knife you have. Now, fold it in half, and then place this knife inside in a way that the blade remains against the fold. Finally, tape it all properly ensuring everything is tight and completely secure. Better yet, if you have a shoe box to spare, you can place this whole thing inside it. Wrapping knives up in old clothes is yet another good option.



Krios Kitchens

We are leading manufacturer and dealer of all types of modular kitchens in Ahmedabad. For more information visit: www.krioskitchens.com