Visiting Victoria

Kris Fricke
2 min readMar 25, 2023


So you’re thinking about visiting Victoria, Australia; or you’re already committed; or you’re already here wondering what to do. Like with anywhere, google can quickly serve you up the top two or three things to do, but what if you want to explore more thoroughly than that? Don’t worry, I’ve got you. As an American expat who has lived in Victoria for seven years now, I can tell you as an outsider how to best fill your time seeing the sights of the state.

(K Fricke 2015)

My plan for this series is to tell you about the sights not the way the tourist brochure will but in travelog form to really give you the idea what it’s like being on the ground in the places. Although I didn’t blast through them all in a tourism marathon, I’ll stitch them together so you don’t have to read about me spending six months cursing the winter darkness (I’m from California, bad weather is a foreign concept to me).

Suggested itinerary & outline of what I intend to write about:

Day 1: Melbourne, Melbourne city tour, Melbourne gaol tour.

Day 1 evening: Philip Island penguins & “the Prom”

Day 2: The Grampians

Day 3 / 3–6: The Great Ocean Road (or three or four days if you have time)

Day 7–10: East of Melbourne: Gippsland, Philip Island, The Prom, Walhalla & the mountains … Malacoota and back.

With some rest days / extra days in your favorite location that should keep you occupied a good two weeks, if you’re staying for three or more than I might suggest popping over to Tassie but that’s a series all its own.

So please tune in for descriptions of the lush fern-filled temperate rainforests, endless (well 99 mile long) straight sandy beaches stretching off in either direction as far as you can see, snowy mountains, sandy plains of banksia, running emus and leaping kangaroos.

Tarra Bulga National Park, Eastern Victoria (K Fricke 2022)



Kris Fricke

Editor of the Australasian Beekeeper. professional beekeeper, American in Australia. Frequently travels to obscure countries to teach beekeeping.