How much does it cost to hire a Shopify expert?

Krishang Technolab
6 min readAug 25, 2023


How much does it cost to hire a Shopify expert?

In today’s times, Shopify is here, there, and everywhere. And we mean it when we say this. One of the biggest reasons behind such widespread popularity of Shopify is that it’s an easy-to-use online selling platform. To build an extensive Shopify website for your business, it’s best to hire Shopify expert from a reputed Shopify development company.

Every business wants to hire Shopify experts to give their business digital wings but the biggest question that lies in front of them is — how much will it cost to hire a Shopify expert? Well, if you too are confused about the same, this blog is here to help you. So, keep reading as we discuss the cost of hiring a Shopify expert along with other basic details.

Before we jump into the cost, let us get our basics clear. So, let us talk about some common doubts or questions that businesses have in mind while hiring Shopify experts.

Why is there a need to hire Shopify expert?

Now that’s something every business thinks of. As we said, Shopify is an easy platform to use and set up but if you want to go beyond the basics and set up a Shopify store that does wonders for your business, a Shopify expert knows how to do it. Moreover, if customization is your priority, hiring Shopify experts is the best option to go for.

If you are wondering what services you can avail of by hiring Shopify experts, have a look below.

  • Shopify store set up
  • Shopify theme design and customization
  • Shopify SEO optimization
  • Shopify marketing
  • Shopify migration services
  • Shopify content writing and branding

If these are the services you are looking for, it’s time to start searching for reputed and talented Shopify development companies that understand your project and deliver services at par excellence.

Moving ahead, we will talk about the many factors that affect the overall cost of hiring Shopify developers. You can consider these factors and have a rough idea about the budget you will require for hiring professional Shopify experts.

Which are the factors that affect the overall cost of hiring expert Shopify developers?

It’s important to note that the cost of hiring Shopify developers differs from one business to another because of these factors. So, let us have a look at these factors next.

Experience and expertise of the developers

This is the most important factor that decides the cost of hiring Shopify developers. The experience and expertise of the developers matter the most because the more experienced the developers are, the more they will charge for their services, and rightly so.


The location of the developers also impacts their charges and rates. Developers in higher-cost locations, such as North America or Western Europe, often charge higher rates for Shopify development services than those in lower-cost regions, such as Eastern Europe, Asia, or South America.

Freelancer vs Agency

The cost of hiring also depends upon whether you hire freelance Shopify developers or from an agency. Thus, make sure to do your research and hire the one that suits your requirements the best.

Customization needs

Who doesn’t like their website or store to be unique? That’s where customization steps in. It’s the basic rule of thumb that custom themes, apps, integrations, or features will increase the overall cost of hiring Shopify experts.

Project length

The length of the project also impacts the overall cost of hiring developers. For instance, if you want to develop the project urgently or within a short period of time, the charges may be higher. However, with a flexible timeline, there are chances of negotiation.

Project complexity

Some projects are more complex than others and that complexity also has a role to play in the overall cost of hiring Shopify developers. A simple or basic Shopify store will be less expensive than one with complex features and integrations.

The cost to hire a Shopify expert- let’s discuss it!

After going through the factors, let’s address the question of the hour- the cost to hire a Shopify expert next.

Generally, most Shopify developers charge on an hourly basis. As we said above, these rates again differ depending upon the experience, expertise and location of the developers. The hourly rate of hiring Shopify developers in America and Europe ranges between $50 to $150 per hour. However, if you hire Shopify developers from Asia, the rates range between $25 to $50 per hour.

Since the rates of hiring Shopify developers are significantly lower in Asian countries, hiring Shopify developers from India can save you a lot of your hard-earned money.

Upwork which is a popular platform for hiring freelance talent charges the following for Shopify development services

  • Beginner- $15/hour
  • Intermediate- $30/Hour
  • Expert- $50 and above (depending upon the experience of the developers)

Of course, you can find Shopify experts on Upwork, but hiring Shopify experts from a reputed Shopify development company also sounds like a great idea.

Where to find the best Shopify experts?

Now coming to another important question, let’s discuss where you can find the best Shopify experts for your next project. There are many platforms that make hiring Shopify experts easier for the businesses. Below are a few top platforms you can consider to hire experienced Shopify developers.

Krishang Technolab

If hiring from a reputed Shopify development agency has been on your mind lately, Krishang Technolab can be your top choice. Krishang Technolab has in store talented Shopify experts with years of experience. With our experience, technological expertise and agile methodology, we intend to develop the best Shopify websites and successful projects.


Upwork is yet another platform where you can find thousands of Shopify experts who have extensive experience in developing high-quality Shopify websites.


Toptal has an exclusive network of top freelance software developers, designers and experts. Businesses can find Shopify experts from this platform from the finest pool of talents available.


Peopleperhour is yet another freelancing platform that allows users to find knowledgeable Shopify developers, designers, marketers, project managers, and more.

What’s the best way to hire Shopify experts?

We hope we have been successful in explaining why hiring Shopify developers is important so far. The best Shopify experts don’t just give digital wings to your business but also help you gain a unique identity for your business. We know starting something new can get overwhelming in the beginning but with the right support, what is not possible?

Let’s discuss how you can go about hiring Shopify experts for your next project and what all you need to know in advance!

  • First and foremost, be very clear about your project requirements. Know that you know your project better than anyone else and therefore, you have to ensure what all features and functions you want to have in your Shopify website/store.
  • Make up your mind about where you want to hire Shopify experts. Whether you want to hire freelance Shopify developers or dedicated in house Shopify developers- the choice is yours. If you are searching for a company that understands your goals. We will come up with the best inputs for your project development. We are just a call away.
  • Once you shortlist the Shopify experts or agencies, it’s time to interview the developers and discuss your project requirements with them in depth. Make sure to be transparent with them, ask questions, and be very clear about all that you need in your Shopify website or store.
  • If you think the developers’ experience and expertise match your expectations, you can hire them for your project. Sign the NDA and complete other legal formalities and you are good to go!

Wrapping it up

As we come to the end of this resource, we hope you found answers to all the questions and doubts you had about hiring Shopify developers for your next project. To conclude, we would like to remind you to hire a Shopify expert wisely. Although there are multiple platforms to hire Shopify developers and engineers as per your business needs, you need to smartly interview the developers and discuss your requirements at length.



Krishang Technolab

Krishang Technolab is top web design and development agency. We are a group of expert technologists with extensive expertise in Web, HubSpot, and Mobile Apps.