Our Getting Things Done Cheat Sheet

Krishan Patel
Karma Advisory
Published in
1 min readJan 9, 2018

One of my favorite books for product management and development is Rework by the folks at 37Signals. Here are some of my key takeaways that I always try to remember:

  • Quick wins: Get something done (even if it is really small), and move on to the next thing
  • Simplify, simplify: Keep solutions simple, don’t try to account for every potential issue that might arise
  • Long lists don’t get done: Long lists make you feel guilty and they never get done. Break one long to do list into a bunch of smaller to do lists
  • Break down your estimations: The smaller something is, the easier it is to estimate
  • Make tiny decisions: Big decisions are intimidating, and we usually put them off. Breakdown your decisions, so you can keep the momentum going
  • Checklists: If something is a repeatable process, make a checklist so you no longer need to think about it
  • Complexity = Simplicity + Noise: If something is ambiguous, breakdown the complexity into buckets

Originally published at Karma Advisory.

