What Causes Pain In The Stomach While Pregnant?

Garbh Sanskar
2 min readOct 3, 2022


Stomach Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period of upheaval. During this period, it is completely normal to worry about stomach pain during pregnancy. Since pregnancy is such a delicate time, it takes a toll on the pregnant woman’s body. The physical changes alone can be jarring. Add in the emotional effects of hormones and it is a cocktail for discomfort.

However, it is natural for you to look for ways to ease your discomfort. But first, you need to know the cause of it.

Causes of Stomach Pain During Pregnancy

  • Digestive Issues

During pregnancy, your body increases the production of a hormone called progesterone. This hormone helps the womb grow during pregnancy. However, it also slows down the gastrointestinal tract.

This means that food travels more slowly and the movement of intestinal muscles slows down as well. This slow digestion makes you feel gassy and hence leads to issues like pain in the left side of the stomach during early pregnancy.

  • Round Ligament Pain

If you feel an uncomfortable sensation or a dull, lingering pain in the abdomen, near the hips, this may be round ligament pain. Round ligaments surround the uterus, holding it in place. As your pregnancy progresses, your uterus stretches to accommodate the baby.

The round ligaments around the uterus stretch as well and this can sometimes cause you aches, cramps, or a sharp, stabbing or pulling sensation. This is usually the cause of stomach pain during pregnancy’s 2nd trimester.

  • Braxton Hicks Contractions

While it is completely normal to have Braxton Hicks contractions, it doesn’t make them any less uncomfortable. These contractions are sometimes also called “practice contractions”.

They are usually milder than actual labor contractions. Actual labor contractions are far more painful and they occur more closely together. The level of pain is a good way to know whether you are having actual contractions or Braxton Hicks. If you’re able to go on normally with your daily life, it is probably Braxton Hicks.

  • Food Allergies

Pregnancy can make your body really sensitive to certain foods. Allergies that you previously had may get exacerbated and new food intolerances may also pop up. Both of these can result in stomach pain during pregnancy.



Garbh Sanskar

Krishna Coming Garbh Sanskar provides pregnant ladies with a Positive & Stress free Pregnancy & imbibe virtues to baby in a womb through garbh sanskar classes.