PyGTK in Python

krishna sai
4 min readApr 3, 2024


PyGTK, a Python binding for the GTK toolkit, offers developers a robust and flexible platform for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that run seamlessly across multiple operating systems. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into PyGTK, covering its installation, core concepts, advanced features, and practical examples. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced developer, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills to build elegant and functional GUI applications using PyGTK.

  1. Introduction to PyGTK:
  • What is PyGTK?: Overview of PyGTK’s features and advantages.
  • Installation: Step-by-step guide to installing PyGTK on various platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux).
  • Hello World: Building your first PyGTK application to display a simple window with a “Hello, PyGTK!” message.

2. Getting Started with PyGTK:

  • Widgets and Containers: Introduction to PyGTK’s extensive collection of widgets and containers, including buttons, labels, entry fields, notebooks, and more.
  • Layout Management: Understanding PyGTK’s layout management system for organizing widgets within containers using packing and positioning.
  • Events and Signals: Handling user interactions and events such as button clicks, menu selections, and key presses using signals and event handlers.

3. Advanced PyGTK Concepts:

  • Custom Drawing: Creating custom drawings and graphics using PyGTK’s Cairo graphics library integration.
  • Threading: Managing concurrent execution and updating GUI elements from background threads using PyGTK’s threading support.
  • Internationalization and Localization: Supporting multiple languages and locales in PyGTK applications using gettext and locale modules.

4. Practical Examples:

  • File Browser: Building a simple file browser application with PyGTK, featuring file navigation, directory listing, and file operations.
  • Image Viewer: Developing an image viewer application with PyGTK, allowing users to browse and view images from their local file system.
  • Text Editor: Creating a basic text editor with PyGTK, supporting features such as text editing, file saving, and syntax highlighting.

5. Integration and Extensibility:

  • Integrating with Other Libraries: Exploring integration with other Python libraries and frameworks, such as Matplotlib for data visualization.
  • Extending with PyGTK Add-ons: Leveraging third-party add-on libraries and extensions to enhance PyGTK’s capabilities.

6. Deployment and Distribution:

  • Packaging and Distribution: Packaging PyGTK applications for distribution on different platforms using tools like py2exe, PyInstaller, and cx_Freeze.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensuring compatibility and consistent behavior across different operating systems and platforms.

7. Best Practices and Optimization:

  • Code Organization: Best practices for organizing and structuring PyGTK code for readability, maintainability, and scalability.
  • Performance Optimization: Techniques for optimizing PyGTK applications for improved performance and responsiveness.

8. Methods in PyGTK:

8.1 Widget Creation and Management:

  • gtk.Window(): Create a top-level window.
  • gtk.Button(), gtk.Label(), gtk.Entry(), gtk.TextView(): Create various GUI widgets such as buttons, labels, entry fields, and text views.
  • gtk.Box(), gtk.Grid(), gtk.Fixed(): Create container widgets to organize other widgets.

8.2 Layout Management:

  • pack_start(), pack_end(), pack_start_defaults(), pack_end_defaults(): Add widgets to container widgets using packing methods.
  • attach(), attach_next_to(): Attach widgets to grid layouts with optional positioning parameters.

8.3 Event Handling:

  • connect(), connect_object(), disconnect(): Connect signals emitted by widgets to callback functions for event handling.
  • connect_after(), connect_swapped(): Connect signals after default handlers and swap callback arguments, respectively.

8.4 Widget Configuration:

  • set_text(), get_text(): Set and get the text content of widgets (e.g., labels, buttons).
  • set_sensitive(), set_visible(): Enable or disable widgets and make them visible or hidden, respectively.
  • modify_font(), modify_fg(), modify_bg(): Modify the font, foreground, and background colors of widgets.

8.5 Drawing and Graphics:

  • gtk.DrawingArea(): Create a widget for custom drawing and graphics.
  • draw_rectangle(), draw_line(), draw_arc(), draw_text(): Draw basic shapes and text on a drawing area.

8.6 Menu and Toolbar:

  • gtk.Menu(), gtk.MenuItem(): Create menus and menu items for dropdown menus.
  • gtk.Toolbar(), gtk.ToolButton(): Create toolbars and toolbar buttons for quick access to actions.

8.7 File and Data Handling:

  • gtk.FileChooserDialog(), gtk.FileChooserButton(): Create file chooser dialogs and buttons for selecting files.
  • gtk.ListStore(), gtk.TreeStore(): Create list and tree data stores for tabular data.

8.8 Dialog Boxes:

  • gtk.MessageDialog(): Create message boxes for displaying alerts, warnings, and confirmation dialogs.
  • gtk.Dialog(): Create custom dialog boxes with custom content and buttons.

8.9 Miscellaneous:

  • gtk.main(), gtk.main_quit(): Start and quit the GTK main loop for event handling.
  • gtk.about_dialog_run(), gtk.about_dialog_destroy(): Run and destroy about dialogs for displaying information about the application.

These are just a few examples of the methods available in PyGTK. PyGTK provides a comprehensive set of tools and functionalities for creating dynamic and interactive GUI applications in Python.

import gtk

class MyWindow(gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
super(MyWindow, self).__init__()
self.set_title("PyGTK Example")
self.set_default_size(300, 200)
self.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)

# Creating widgets
label = gtk.Label("Hello, PyGTK!")
button = gtk.Button("Click Me")
entry = gtk.Entry()
text_view = gtk.TextView()

# Layout management
box = gtk.VBox()

# Event handling
button.connect("clicked", self.on_button_clicked)
entry.connect("activate", self.on_entry_activated)

# Widget configuration
entry.set_text("Enter text here")

# Drawing and Graphics
drawing_area = gtk.DrawingArea()
drawing_area.connect("expose-event", self.on_drawing_expose)


def on_button_clicked(self, widget):
print("Button clicked!")

def on_entry_activated(self, widget):
text = widget.get_text()
print("Entry activated. Text entered:", text)

def on_drawing_expose(self, widget, event):
cr = widget.window.cairo_create()
cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 1)
cr.rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100)
return True

if __name__ == "__main__":
win = MyWindow()

This example covers various aspects of PyGTK:

  • Widget creation and management (Label, Button, Entry, TextView, DrawingArea)
  • Layout management (VBox)
  • Event handling (Button click, Entry activation, DrawingArea expose)
  • Widget configuration (setting text for Entry)
  • Drawing and Graphics (DrawingArea to draw a rectangle)

This code provides a starting point for understanding the usage of PyGTK methods, and you can further explore and expand upon it to incorporate additional functionalities as needed.

Conclusion: With PyGTK, you have the flexibility to create elegant and feature-rich GUI applications that cater to diverse user needs. By following this guide, you’ll gain a solid understanding of PyGTK’s capabilities and be well-equipped to develop sophisticated GUI applications that run seamlessly across various platforms.

SEO Keywords: PyGTK, GUI development, Python GTK toolkit, PyGTK tutorial, PyGTK examples, PyGTK installation, PyGTK widgets, PyGTK layout management, PyGTK event handling, PyGTK custom drawing, PyGTK threading, PyGTK deployment, PyGTK optimization, PyGTK best practices.



krishna sai

Technical Lead @ Wipro || Data Engineer & Data Analyst || GCP Cloud Services, Python, SQL, Power BI, Spotfire || Content Writer || Ex - Renault Nissan