A Guide to help you selecting the best graphic card for gaming

Krish Singh
2 min readDec 31, 2016


Selecting a graphic card is a very tough task to decide the best one when you have lots and lots of options. When it comes to building a desktop for gaming, the graphics card is one of the most crucial component of all in regards to the gaming performance.

Choosing the right gaming graphics card within your budget is not an easy task especially for new buyers as almost all computer parts there are available in tons of models with various specifications.

Here in this guide, you will be provided with the important factors to take care of while purchasing the best gaming graphics card 2017.

Graphics card for gaming
There are different graphics card for different uses. Here are some suggestions to choose the best graphics card 2017 as per your requirement and budget.

Most dedicated graphics cards are designed with more or less performance, in the category dedicated to process multimedia content or video games. If you are planning to upgrade your PC to play latest launched games, you will have to spend a lot of your hard earned money. While upgrading your computer, the graphics card is very relevant and can cost approx 30% of the entire budget planned for the computer.

While upgrading your computer, you will also have to consider the performance of the processor. If it not powerful enough to manage all the data received by Graphics processor, it will limit the performance of the graphics card.

The power of graphics processor offered by every graphics card, you should also take into account the memory for each model and its speed since, two graphics cards share the same graphics, each manufacturer can modify it and mix it with other components of lower and higher performance.

Most of the integrated graphics card in of the current processor support playing content in 4K resolution. But if you wish to get maximum performance you can use a dedicated graphics card as per the need of your computer. The requirement of dedicated graphics card becomes more important if you are working on graphic or photo editing. For these two areas, having a sound graphics card makes a big difference when processing the final files.

Cooling System and noise
After processor, graphics card is the second component in a hardware that suffer the most from heat. So while choosing, you must opt for a graphics card with a better cooling system which is important for durability and user comfort.

