Transformation for Totality

James Krisnanda
4 min readJun 23, 2017


Bale With Axe meme

Who does not love meme ? For those who don’t know, that picture below was Christian Bale at American Psycho in the early of 2000’s. Natural acting skills, sharp in shape, rich in charisma makes Bale probably one of the greatest Hollywood actors till now.

There are plenty of articles that discuss about Bale acting skill and his role in hollywood film from 1990’s till now. I am not a movie/actor criticizer since I am not that movie-geek. But if there is one aspect that I must address about Bale among other actors is this one :

— his transformation for totality of acting.

Yea, I know Johnny Depp does a vast amount of wide acting skills and persona, Leonardo Di Caprio never fail delivering a stunning and vigorous personality in every movie he acts. But, Bale, he just cross the line that others may or will not cross the very line. And yes, I talk about body transformation.

As we can recall back, there are several movies that he was in, and each movie demand the other body of a Christian Bale. But, one of the most extreme condition that Bale strive is when he dropped his weight to 55kg in the Machinist. His fans almost could not recognize Trevor Reznik, the industrial worker on that film was Christian Bale itself. He is nothing but skin, and bone.

i did not eat, that was it. —the machinist (2004)

When he as interviewed for his absolute madness in that movie, Bale simply state his simple statement. His only diet for daily calories were just a tuna can, an apple, coffee and water, he barely eat for months.

After that stunning body transformation, Bale only took 5 months. From Insomniac worker Trevor Reznik, into the young-bulked- energetic Batman.

…. lifting weight, eating more, i just listen to what he said about (Nolan) get as big as you possibly can, so that is what I did. you know. — Batman Begins 2005

He nearly gained 35 kilograms in the count of 5 months to fitted into Batman Suit. It was like magic, and that is what I think makes Christian Bale one of the most legendary actors in Hollywood.

Until now, there are no indications that Bale take steroids or drugs to help him gain shape in that gap of time during the Batman Begins production. It was possible only because Bale was basically good and sharp in shape since the American Psycho.

it is makes me happy. the totality of my acting. right here right now.


For his last movie, he’s gained 43 lbs. to play a ’70s con artist in the Abscam-inspired crime drama American Hustle.

To fatten up, “I ate lots of doughnuts, a whole lot of cheeseburgers and whatever I could get my hands on. I literally ate anything that came my way,” Bale, 39, told PEOPLE at Friday’s Peggy Siegel and OPI screening of the buzzy film in New York City. “I was about 185 and went up to 228. I’m still working it off.”

I have never actually had anybody say u have to get to this place. it’s always been me who said i have to get to that place.

Hell yea, may be that is why I like Christian Bale. Not only because he is sharp, handsome and manly. His transformation for totality is undoubted. Ups and downs, ups and downs he has done marvelous stuff. He always push his place.

“The art of survival is a story that never ends.”

- Christian Bale

That is it Folks, in the mean time i will keep writing, and here is oreo.

