Gates McFadden: Otherwise known as Mrs. Spiner!

Kris Partello
2 min readJul 19, 2018


So a funny thing happened on the way to the convention…

This is one of my favorite convention stories… imagine Gates McFadden (Dr. Beverley Crusher on TNG) and Brent Spiner (Data on TNG) on stage talking about an airline flight on the way to a convention and a fan recognized Brent and asked for his autograph…

Fan: (to Brent Spiner) Oh my gosh! I love your show! Please, can I have your autograph?

Brent: Sure. Here you go. But don’t you want her’s too? *motions to Gates*

Fan: Oh my yes, I’m so sorry. I would love your autograph, Mrs. Spiner!

Gates: *signs the napkin as “Mrs. Spiner”*

So somewhere out there is an airplane napkin signed by Brent Spiner and Mrs. Spiner! I would frame that puppy and take it to a convention and ask Gates to resign for real… because seriously? Best. Story. Ever.

I wonder if the fan ever figured out the truth?

This is a quick clip from that convention… not mine… it was posted by YouTuber generousrabbit… wish I had more! I’ll keep scouring youtube because these guys are hilarious together. If you get the chance to see any of the TNG crew appear together do not miss it! They are so charismatic and truly engage the audience. At one point Gates literally walked through the audience and climbed OVER the chairs… then, of course, Jonathan doing his Riker Maneuver… pretty sure I saw a video of that. I’ll have to find it for you and post it. Stay tuned!

“Johnny come back here and do that chair thing!”

Gates McFadden… the woman who changed her name because she was embarrassed to be doing Star Trek.

She changed her birthday too! How can you not love her? Of course, that particular tidbit is courtesy of Jonathan Frakes… fact or fiction… you make the call!

Funny story about my son Jacob… we watched Voyager and he hadn’t really paid much attention to The Next Generation (sorry TNG folks) but after meeting everyone he decided he had to watch. I wonder how often that happens? Reverse fandom? Fan of the person then fan of the show… probably often.

Jacob with Gates McFadden

Originally published at on July 19, 2018.



Kris Partello

A reader, a writer, a lover of food, movies, and music, and devoted Trekkie and nerd girl.