Kris Streve
3 min readNov 14, 2019

Never Give Up Kris Streve

Too many people give up when the goings get tough, not knowing that mistakes are proof that they are trying, not knowing what it really takes to get where they want to be from where they are now. But if you really want it that bad, if you really wanna make it happen, if you really wanna make it to the top, you have to have the attitude, and forever live by the attitude called "The never give up" attitude. So, if you have a goal or dream, and if you really wanna make it happen, and if you really wanna know what it actually takes to get there....continue reading this article.

The people who really win big in life are the ones who never give up. And those who give up never win big. The winners never quit. The quitters never win. As simple as that! Sometimes it just takes just one more step forward to get to where you have already wanted to be. Like Thomas A. Edison said, "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." So, my friends, if you're going through hell, keep going. Give it one more shot! A winner is just a loser who tried one more time. Someday, it's definitely gonna make sense, and one day, you will look back in life, and thank yourself for never giving up. E6verybody faces some temporary failures, defeats, or challenges, when trying to reach their goals, their dreams. And nobody in the world has ever achieved anything great, without some temporary failures, defeats, or challenges.
Hey, failures, fuck you! I mean I love you so much, and you know why? Because I can learn from you a lot, faster, with the speed of light. Failure is the best teacher in the world.

Like Henry Ford said, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”

It always seems impossible until it’s done. Of course, it's not gonna be easy, but it will definitely be worth it. That's guaranteed!

Go do it, make some mistakes, learn from them. That's how you get bigger, better, stronger, and wiser!
Do you remember what
Thomas A. Edison said? He said, "I haven't failed 10,000 times. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

So learn to turn every negative into a positive!
See every failure, mistake, challenge, or hurt as an opportunity to learn and grow, to get bigger, better, stronger, and wiser. You gotta take some risk, try new things, get comfortable entering an unknown territory, fail and learn, fail and learn, fail and learn.

Like Einstein said, "Anyone who has never made a mistake, has never tried anything new."
But you have to learn from you mistakes. What’s the point of making mistakes if you don’t learn from them? I love making mistakes because I can a lot from them. I don’t make mistakes just for the sake of making mistakes.

Falling down is an accident, staying down is a choice. So, never ever, ever, ever, and ever give up. And even when you feel like giving up, remember that your haters are watching, the people who said you couldn't do it, are watching. They wanna see you suffer, please don't give them that satisfaction!

Go out and make it happen. Shock everyone! Find a way to make it happen. And if there's no way, create one. Of course, you can do it! If that uneducated, poor, grocery clerk named Abraham Lincoln, can become the greatest president ever, of the greatest country in the world, United States Of America, then why can't you, what is your excuse?