Why Mexican Food Tastes Extremely Delicious?

Krisswill cox
3 min readJan 17, 2018

Mexican food has a distinctive blend of Spanish and Mexican ingredients. It is filled with unique ingredients, making is dissimilar from any other food. Mexican food restaurants are most popular due to several other reasons as well. In fact, the traditional Mexican cuisine has earned a prestigious recognition by the UNESCO, as it shared an intangible cultural heritage contribution to humanity.

People thoroughly enjoy the traditional Mexican cuisine, which indeed captures millions of hearts.

Why is Mexican Food so Exotic?

One factor that segregates Mexican food than any other cuisine is the mixture of different culture. Distant ingredients, spices and vibrant colors design a beautiful presentation, which is irresistible. Some of the traditional Mexican dishes still represent a unique, deep and sensational taste of ancient history.

Mexican food factory

Not just this, Mexican food is famous for pride and diversity, gained by different geographical territories. Astonishingly, you will find distant ways of cooking a dish in different regions of the country. This happens due to cultural difference and ingredients available therein. Tasting the authentic food in Mexican food restaurants is surely a delightful experience.

Corn is Everywhere!

In enchiladas, tortillas, tamales, and more, corn can be seen everywhere. People say that corn is the heart of Mexican food; therefore, it can be seen in almost every dish. Nevertheless, you will love the way Mexican people use this ingredient in amazing ways. Tortillas are the most dominant form of corn you could relish in the Mexican food. Some of the building blocks of Mexican staple include flautas, taquitos, tostadas and more. You must have heard about tacos. They are readily available in central and South America, all over the restaurants and beaches. They are enjoyed after every food meal and are absolutely staple for Mexican cuisine.

Spices Dominating Mexican Cuisine

As said above, one enjoys a whole set of unique flavors when it comes to Mexican food. Some common ingredients include oregano, garlic, onions, chilies and cumin. It is unbelievable that more than 100 different chili varieties are used in this cuisine. Cloves, cocoa and cinnamon are seen in unique ways that are typically unavailable in North American and European dishes.

Mexican food restaurants

Epazote is another unique herb of Central America that you will see in Mexican dishes since ancient times. It gives a strong and musky flavor in bean, fish and corn dishes. The herb contributes highly to the exceptional flavors of Mexico.

Sweet potatoes, vanilla, cinnamon, yams, amaranth, are a few groups that originated in Mexico and people are preparing these for a long time. Due to the unique ingredients and distant ways of preparing them, Mexican food is simple yet luscious. Even the sauces prepared in the traditional way, match well with the Mexican dishes. Mexico has introduced a lot many traditionally prepared dishes that no other American continent has done yet.

The mouth-watering taste and the authentic spices create delicious Mexican dishes. Many Mexican food restaurants leave a strong impact on people, which is why it is so popular around the world.

